Monday, 20 January 2025

Monday, 20-01-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly the Mediterranean way of eating.

Monday again and two thirds of the way through January and what do I have to show for it it terms of getting rid of the Christmas gain?  Absolutely nothing.  So frustrating.
I'm obviously not giving up . . . this has happened before; it seems to be a sticking point for my body but knowing that doesn't make it any the easier to have patience with.

Oh, well - keep smiling!

On the plus side, I went back to circuits today and my back behaved itself, thankfully.  It's still feeling much better as I type this, Monday evening.

What I ate today:

The usual.  The fruit was raspberries and a pear and you can see the chia seeds in the yogurt.
One syn.
A nice, simple roast dinner.  I didn't bother with Yorkshire puddings.
Afters was two easy peelers.
Half a syn for a bit of horseradish sauce.

Later on, I had an apple.
Dinner was a toastie to use up some of the leftover beef.  There's not loads but there's enough for a couple of meals.  With it, I had a big old mixed salad with seeds and dressed with balsamic vinegar.
Afters was an orange - the Morrisons big oranges are lovely at the moment.
One healthy extra B and two As plus one and a half syns for chutney and one for seeds in the salad.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
four syns

Tomorrow's plans:

B:  the usual fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  toast, smashed avocado, smoked salmon, side salad; fruit

D:  baked fish on roasted Med veg; fruit

Exercise:  Groove and the walk there and back.


  1. Love a juicy orange! I will bear Morrisons in mind for my next shop. I’m not a particularly loyal shopper though as Tesco is the nearest I do tend to go there a bit more often than the others. We are lucky to have a good choice of supermarkets but sadly no Waitrose . That’s probably a good thing as it would be very tempting. I pass one on the journey to my daughters and it’s a good stopping place for a comfort break as well as a few foodie treats!

    1. I've just had one - so juicy and sweet. xx
