Wednesday 13 December 2023

Wednesday, 13-12-23: Christmas Challenge

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to my maintaining on Slimming World blog where I talk about the meals I enjoy while maintaining my target weight and keeping a healthy balanced diet.

Through December, I am going to try to incorporate as much Christmas themed food as possible while still following SW guidelines (mostly) and remaining within my target range.

Yesterday's meal photos:

Well - if you read yesterday's blog, you will know why there's no photos.  I did manage to get a few bits down, all carbs - I had some ryvita and, in the evening, a couple of slices of toast.  Basically, two and a half healthy extra Bs.  The thought of anything else set my insides churning.

Sorry, guys - very boring.
Today's meal plans:

B:  probably nothing - my tum is still a bit sore although, thankfully, no repercussions from yesterdays nibbles.  Phew.

L:  maybe some scrambled eggs

D:  I have a balsamic beef casserole so I might warm that up and have it - depends how I feel really.

Exercise: After discussion with Lindsey, she has moved my personal training to Friday so nothing today.  I'm very grateful to her for being so flexible.

A bit irrelevant really.  😊
For information:
The Slimming World structure:
While following the plan, you can have . . .

Any amount of speed and free food - BUT try to have a third of your plate as speed food as a sub for free food, NOT as well as . . .  Eat to satisfaction, not to stuffed-ness!

Two healthy extra As (calcium) and one healthy extra B (fibre) - details in the SW pack and on the SW web site/app.

Between five and fifteen syns-worth of synned food - again, details in the pack, site and app.  They are a limit to stay within, not a target to hit.

As a target member, I can also have . . .

Another two healthy extras each day
Another fifteen syns up to three times each week
BUT - only if I need/want to.  It's a limit, not a target

. . . with the ultimate aim of not needing to count healthy extras, syns, etc at all but just knowing and eating well instinctively.

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