Sunday 6 October 2024

Sunday evening, 06-10-24, some mentions and five tips for making a diet work

Good evening, everyone!  

I just want to mention a few people.
Firstly, the lovely Stephanie, whose husband is pretty unwell and present.  Hoping things improve very quickly and the right decisions are made, Stephanie.

Congratulations to my friend, Roe, who has done so very well with her weight loss this month.  She is so lovely and supportive, she deserves great results.  I hope your hand is better soon, Roe, and thanks so much for the mention of this blog in your latest video on YouTube.

And then there's Nicky and Jo.  They're both really looking forward to holidays in the next little while.  Hope the packing and other preparations are going well and remember - you don't have to go into holiday eating mode quite yet (grin, duck and run)

What I ate today

Breakfast - smoked haddock, mushrooms and tomatoes plus an apple and a couple of plums - lovely!
One syn for some spray evoo.

A roast dinner, hardly Mediterranean but nice, all the same.  The slow cooked pork was delicious.

One syn for a bit of chutney and that's it really.

Later on, I had an orange and some melon.

There was quite a bit of broccoli left over so I shoved it all into Thermione, added a tin of butterbeans, aquafaba and all, left over gravy, some garlic and onion granules and some chicken stock, boiled it up and blended it and that's my lunch tomorrow sorted.  It looks like sludge but it tastes great!

Inside the toastie there's some caramelised onion chutney, some cheddar and some roast pork and it was so, so good.

One and a half healthy extra As, one healthy extra B, two syns for spray oil and, in the salad, one syn for mixed seeds and four syns for dressing.

I was stuffed!!

one and a half healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
nine syns, mostly for evoo

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit yogurt and seeds

L:  broccoli and butterbean soup with cheesy; fruit

D:   mushroom and broad bean carbonara; fruit

Exercise:  circuits, hopefully.

The Extra Bit

Five easy ways to make any diet work.

Sounds good, doesn't it?  It's the title of a YouTube video I watched yesterday from Dr Anna Pleet, to whose channel I subscribe.

It's not quite so straightforward, of course - we all know that.  If it were, we would all be as slim as we want to be.  
Having said that, I thought it was helpful so here's the main points with my own comments and a link to the video at the end.

It assumes that you have a goal - a reason for losing some weight.  Perhaps, as in my case, there were health reasons, perhaps you need to lose weight for a specific purpose, perhaps you have just had enough!!
So - assuming you have a goal (e.g. to lower blood pressure) and also that you want to do it in a healthy and sensible way (which looks different to every individual, of course) to make it a lifelong change . . .

1.  Clear out the clutter.
Have a food spring clean to eliminate the temptation that comes with that little voice that says 'go on, one won't hurt'.  It isn't simple if everytime we open the cupboard or fridge, we are faced with old temptations.
Give stuff away, donate or just chuck, depending on what it is and replace with healthier options that will support your choice of plan.
I really don't like food waste but, sometimes, it is the most helpful way to make a fresh start.

2.  Start with what you can control.
Anna talks about the difficulty in eating healthily in the workplace and suggests that you start with your home based meals, the meals you have most control over, specifically breakfast because if you have a good, filling, nourishing start to the day, the rest of the day is more likely to follow suit.
I also think it helps to pinpoint one habit or thing you can change at a time.  It stops the whole thing from feeling just too much.
So, pinpoint those areas that you can change for the better and focus on them, remembering to celebrate achievement and success.

3,  Address your eating environment.
If you and where you are eating isn't helpful, change it.  If you find you eat mindlessly because you are focusing on the s creen in some way, stop.  If you eat on your own and find that boring, change the environment - set the table nicely, maybe have flowers, best china, etc.
My particular trick is to set out my food nicely as much as I can.  I arrange it, I don't just slop it on.  I add colour when I can, I garnish with a bit of parsley, I have started using my nice china at times and I have bought just a couple of plates that I really liked (they didn't cost much at all).  For me, it turns the meal into a visual pleasure not just a gastronomical one - I changed my environment.

4.  Prioritise the healthy food.
Sounds a bit obvious, doesn't it, but more and more I have found that if I try to include certain elements in each meal (what Dr Anna calls the 'healthy trifecta), it is more filling and satisfying and also it slows sugar spikes and insulin spikes and aids healthy digestion.
These are protein, healthy fats and fibre and, while it isn't always going to be possible, it usually is.  I try to consider these elements when planning my meals.

5.  Try cooking at home as much as possible.
This one really links to point 2.  You have so much more control over ingredients, cooking methods, what you actually put into your body.
I would say also work to eliminate as much ultra processed food as you possibly can (if you have cleared out the clutter, the temptation won't be there so much anyway).
Cooking at home doesn't have to be complicated, says Dr Anna, and I agree with her.  It is about the quality of the food, not how complex and fancy it is.   Anyone can cook basic meals - I truly believe that.  You just need to want to - mindset!
If you have to eat at work (and, let's face it, most people do), can you take your own lunch with you?
The other thing I find supports cooking at home is knowing what you are going to have in the evening and prepping as much as you can beforehand.  It's hard to come home, tired and hungry, and have to start a meal from scratch, but if it is already almost there, just needs reheating or is bubbling away gently in the slow cooker, it makes it so much easier.

Here's the link to the video.

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