Wednesday 23 October 2024

Wednesday evening, 23-10-24 and tip 5: Keep It Tasty

Good evening, everyone!  
How's it all going for you?

What I ate today

I had a dental appointment at the time I have breakfast so I had the yogurt and seeds before hand . . .

Part of a B for the seeds
And some melon when I got home afterwards.
The soup was still lovely and afters was an easy peeler.
Two syns for a small piece of chorizo.

Later in I had some cheese for both my healthy extra As and some almonds for almost two healthy extra Bs.
After reading through the recipe, I really didn't fancy what I had planned for dinner so I just air fried some potato, cooked the thawed cod in some spray oil and polished off some tomatoes
Not the best meal I have ever had but filling.  

Two syns for some oil.

two healthy extra As
two healthy extra Bs
four syns

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  bulgar bowl with salad, feta, olives, dressing, etc.; fruit

D:  cauliflower gratin; fruit

Exercise: SET class online
The Extra Bit

Tip 5:  Keep It Tasty

This is so obvious and, really, it is part of the 'make it work for you' ethos.

Obviously, there are guidelines (rules?  No!) for whatever plan or way we choose to follow and if we divert from them we need to accept that there may be repercussions but given this . . .

There is so much delicious food available to us in the First World.  We are so very lucky.
We're much more likely to stay on track and see positive results if we enjoy our plan or way.
Assuming we're not on a very rigid and inflexible plan (and I truly wouldn't advise them), we have plenty of options.
We have information and recipes at our fingertips, thanks to the internet, search engines, etc.
We can access support groups such as the lovely Slim Win Group on Facebook, recipe and ideas vlogs, informative and encouraging podcasts.

We really do have it all, don't we.  So why on earth go for stuff you don't particularly like, just because a recipe, a fad or someone else says so?

Slimming World has its fads and fancies, like most plans, etc.
When I first started with SW it was all about quark.  Didn't like it much.
Then it was spinach.  Every recipe contained spinach.  Spinach flavoured rice pudding, anyone?  (no, not really!).  Don't like spinach much.  I have tried, honestly I have, but no thanks.
I'm not terribly keen on lower fat versions of things like cheese either.  I accept that it has its uses but, for example, lower fat cheese doesn't melt as well and the mouth-feel and flavour are just not so good.  And I always wonder what they put in to replace what they take out. 
And let's not think about the effect sugar free sweets can have on our insides, OK?
 I use lower calories/fat versions at times, don't we all, but only if I like them, not just because they are lower calories, syn free or whatever.

So I substitute, when necessary, to avoid things I don't like or want to use.  It's dead easy.  SW calls it food optimising and it's quite a cornerstone of the whole plan.  Don't be afraid to adapt, substitute, change ingredients,use your syns to enhance your meals.  The more you do it, the better you get at it.

Keep it tasty!

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