Sunday 10 June 2018

Sunday, 10-06-18

Good morning.  Sorry about yesterday.  There just wasn't time early and, when I got to my parents', there was other stuff to do.

Today's plans
B:  muesli, strawberries (I brought some of my garden produce here for us to enjoy) and natural yogurt.
L:  no idea
D:  cottage pie with cheesy crumble topping, cabbage; fruit salad

Looking forward to my holiday tomorrow.  It's nice to know that I will feel well this time.  The plan is to swim in the morning and have walks around in the afternoon but you know what they say about plans so we will just have to wait and see.


  1. I have had a lovely weekend catching up with your blog (it seems I fell off the frugal AND healthy train sometime in January. I am honestly not a weird stalker type!) I have been inspired today to roast the manky tomatoes in my fridge for a soup from a January post! (I am getting better at leftovers, and a friend has chickens who benefit when I'm rubbish.) I am glad your health is good and the op went well. Have a lovely holiday.

    1. Really lovely to see you back again. The nice thing about both 'wagons' is that we can climb back on again any time we want to or need to. My frugality is going to take a hammering this week but I have saved up and won't be spending what I haven't got. No credit for this girl! :-)
      (and I LOVE roasted tomato soup)
