Monday 16 September 2024

Monday evening, 16-09-24

Good evening, everyone!   I'm talking to our Slim Win group about the Mediterranean diet later, not something I am used to doing but I've done my preparation and they know I am in no way an expert, just a 'do-er' so fingers crossed it will be informative enough.  

What I ate today

I was feeling a bit peckish before Circuits so I had an apple and some nuts, thus having a healthy extra B first thing.

Breakfast itself was a big bowl of very juicy watermelon topped with yogurt and chia seeds.  It was delicious.

One syn for the chia seeds.
For lunch, I knocked together a mixed salad topped with feta, olives and turkey, all tossed in the second half of the dressing I made yesterday.

One healthy extra A for the feta, one syn for the olives and three and a half syns for the salad dressing.

Later on, I had three very small easy peelers, three wizened plums and an over-ripe pear!.

The spaghetti with sardines was delicious but looks extremely messy.  Oh, well . . .
I had a bit of sweet potato and broccoli left from yesterday so I added that and also added some lemon zest and juice.  It was nice but next time I am adding the sardines right at the end so they don't just mush down.  Well, I can try . . .

Six syns for evoo and one for olives.  The rest was free/speed.

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
twelve and a half syns
My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:   tomatoes on toast with a poached egg; fruit
h m bread, tomatoes from the garden cooked in evoo -  nice!

D:  asparagus carbonara, side salad; fruit
from the Jamie Five Ingredients Mediterranean recipe book, p 98

Exercise:  Groove class and the walk there and back.  

No extra bit today.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Sunday evening, 15-09-24 and the Mediterranean diet pyramid

Good evening, everyone!  

What I ate today

The fruit today was pineapple and melon with seven yellow raspberries from canes in the garden.  I put the yogurt and chia seeds in first and sprinkled the other seeds on top.  Really tasty
Two syns for the seeds.

Later on, I had a small apple.  
Lunch is a bit difficult to syn really.  I used spray evoo for the roasties which goes a long way and the cranberry and apple sauce was free because I don't syn cooked fruit.
It was really delish.

I'm calling it six syns for the spray evoo for lunch and also sprayed on the bread for the dinner toastie.

I would argue that this conforms to the Mediterranean principle with lean poultry and lots of fresh veg all cooked from scratch/fresh.  And the evoo.

Later on, I had some mixed nuts for a healthy extra B

I have turkey leftovers so used some up in this toastie along with the last of the cranberry sauce and some grated hard goat's cheese.

I made a dressing with some raspberry vinegar, evoo, mustard and a but of maple syrup and I am calling it three and a half syns (I have half the dressing left for tomorrow).

The bread is the wholegrain, there's plenty of healthy oil, the cheese and the turkey are the proteins and there's a load of fruit and veg.  It may look 'western' but it conforms.  😇

So one healthy extra A (cheese), one healthy extra B (bread) and three and a half syns.

Today's summary:
one healthy extra A
two healthy extra Bs
eleven and a half syns, all for evoo, seeds and nuts.

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L: turkey, feta and olive salad

D:  spaghetti with sardines

Exercise:  Circuits at Shimmy Studio - three cheers!

The Extra Bit
I found this when I was presenting a talk for the lovely Slim Win group.  It is the Mediterranean equivalent of the food pyramid.
It's nice and visual, isn't it?  

Saturday 14 September 2024

Saturday evening, 14-09-24 and info on healthy extra B seeds and nuts

Good evening, everyone!  

What I ate today

Inspired by the autumnal tut in town, I gave this a seasonal vibe with apple, plums and the remains of the blueberries plus yogurt, seeds and gingerbread skinny syrup, sprinkled over with cinnamon.  It was lovely
A bit of a B for the seeds.

I got out one of the frozen soup bases for lunch.  I used one tsp evoo to soften mushroom, red pepper and one baby corn, then added some Thai seven spice mix (no idea if it has to be synned or not as I got it from the spice stall in the market) and six tbsps coconut oil (the full fat kind, before adding the soup base and mixing it together.  It was blimmin' lovely!

Just under one healthy extra B for the focaccia (I'll combine it with the breakfast seeds to make one B), two syns for oil in the soup base and two used today plus six for the coconut milk.  Syn heavy but worth every last calorie of it!

Dinner was from the Good Food Cheap Eats kindle book - sadly, I couldn't find it online.  It was simple enough - I softened onion, red pepper and mushroom in some evoo, added some reduced fat creme fraiche and some cooked tagliatelle.  I had a go at making the tagliatelle and I thought it was going to be a disaster but actually it was OK - not that smooth because it had wholewheat flour but great flavour.  I have no idea how to syn it so am calling it 'free'.
Two syns for the oil and three for the creme fraiche.
And that was that for the day.

no healthy extra As
one (and maybe a bi) healthy extra B
fifteen syns - top of the allowance but that's perfectly OK.  Must include some As tomorrow thoush, somehow.

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  Alex (grandson) is over for Sunday lunch and has asked could I make a roast dinner, so . . .
roast turkey, roast potato and sweet potato, carrots, broccoli and leeks; fruit

D:  turkey salad - gotta use up the leftovers - with bulgur wheat; fruit
Or, to use As, I could do a cheese turkey toastie, couldn't I?

Exercise:   not much.  Roll on Monday when circuits starts again.
The Extra Bit

In response to a comment yesterday, here's some info about nuts and seeds.
These can all be a B choice (equivalent to six syns, roughly)
20 almonds or 25g flaked almonds
6 brazil nuts
15 cashew nuts
2 level tbsp chia seeds or flaxseeds or linseeds
25 hazelnuts
20g mixed nuts
35 unsalted peanuts
11 pecan halves
5 walnut halves
2 level dsps (20 mls) pine nuts
40 pistachio nuts
2 level tbsp pumpkin, sesame or sunflower seeds

All oils have to be synned at 6 syns per level tbsp so half a tsp is one syn.  Olive oil, especially extra virgin, is fairly universally acknowledged to have heart healthy properties.  I think the jury is a bit out out on seed oils and other oils are definitely not that heart-healthy.  Evoo is best because it is closest to the natural product with minimal processing.  

Most info taken from the SW book in the member's pack!  Hope this helps

Friday 13 September 2024

Friday evening, 13-09-24 - eat-your-syns-day

Good evening, everyone!  

Weigh in today for the first time in a fortnight.  I really wasn't sure because I have increased the syns quite considerably, albeit nearly all heart-healthy oil, fish oil, nuts and seeds.

So I got on those scaled with some trepidation and was absolutely delighted to see I had lost two and a half pounds, taking me down to a pound below target weight and in the lower half of my Happy Zone.
I am so, so happy about that.

What I ate today

Breakfast was overnight oats - 20g oats, one tsp chia seeds, one tsp pumpkin seeds, a splash of milk, strawberries, raspberries and some mixed nuts.  Very Med!
A bit of a healthy extra A, half a healthy extra B for oats, one and a half syns for the seeds and one and a half Bs for the nuts.
(so two Bs altogether)
A naughty looking but still healthy lunch - under all that good stuff is a waffle made with 20g oats, one medium egg, some Greek yogurt and some skinny syrup.
And then drizzled over one tbsp maple syrup.
It was SO filling!
So half a B for the oats, two syns for the maple syrup and the rest is speed and free.  I know I have already had two Bs but that's OK, as a target member, I can.

Later on, I had some mixed nuts.  I didn't weigh them so have no idea but it is Eat Your SYns Friday and I can have extra syns anyway so I'm not fussed.

After the nuts, I truly didn't want anything else, not even chips, so I didn't.
Four syns for evoo and one and a half for olives.

part of a healthy extra A
two and a half Bs
nine syns plus whatever the nuts were.  I don't think it will have taken me over thirty which is what I could have had as a target member.

And I am still losing weight so I obviously have quite a lot of leeway.
My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt, nuts and seeds

L: bean and coconut soup, focaccia for dunking; fruit
I have the soup base and, to it, I thought I would add some Thai spices, some mushrooms, peppers and some coconut milk.  Very fusion!

D:  tagliatelle with smoked salmon
I found this in one of my new BBC Good Food books, Cheap Eats, p68 (the Kindle version) but I can't find it on line.  I might make the tagliatelle too - make it wholewheat.  I have Beth and Alex over for Sunday lunch and plan to do something pasta-ish so I can use 200g flour which will make enough for both meals.

Exercise:   A good walk.  

The Extra Bit

I am now a full three weeks into doing Slimming World the Mediterranean way.  How's it all going?
Well . . .   

I've got used to more syns spent on healthy oils and fats - evoo, olives, fish, nuts and seeds - and, providing I keep a tally of what I'm having, I'm no longer feeling resistant to them like I was three weeks ago, in fact a like adding them and they make a big flavour/texture difference.

I thought I was pretty plant based before (and I was, sort of) but I realise I'm now so much more.  I'll never be totally vegetarian but I'm eating less saturated fat than I was which has got to be a good thing.

The meals are absolutely scrumptious.  I have had one meal I wouldn't want to have again but everything else has been amazing.  I can certainly carry on with this for the rest of my life.

Ironically, the one reason I started this new 'journey' is the one I have no idea about and won't for another nine weeks or so.  Thankfully, it is no hardship to keep to it - quite the opposite - so I can be patient about this particular outcome.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Thursday evening, 12-09-24 and lots of new recipes

Good evening, everyone!  

Weigh day tomorrow and I am very interested in what the scales will say at group.  While I doubt I have got right back to my target weight (as opposed to my Happy Zone), I am pretty sure I have lost a bit more although it is never a good idea to rely on non group scales as different scales can, and usually do, weigh differently.

What I ate today

Breakfast was a bit of a muddle.  I had to take the car in to have one outstanding thing from the annual service sorted.  I took a couple of apples with me and I'm glad I did because I wasn't home until past twelve.
When I got home, I had this - a reduced version of that I would otherwise have had because I had had the apples and it was pretty close to lunch time.  I didn't want to just miss it out because I know from experience that it catches up with me later on.

Half a syn for the chia seeds and half for the pumpkin seeds
Originally, I had planned smashed avocado and smoked salmon but then I remembered I had the second portion of hummus so I had that with plum chutney instead.  So good!

One healthy extra B, four syns for the hummus, one for some evoo spray and one for the chutney.

This is what I made for dinner.
I reduced it to one portion, used 10mls evoo in the chicken mixture and 5 mls plus 2.5 mls lemon juice to make a very simple salad dressing and the salad was grated carrot, shredded white cabbage, shredded lettuce and some diced red pepper.  Very tasty and very filling.
One healthy extra A for the feta and six syns for the evoo

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
eleven syns 


My meal plans for tomorrow:  I'm going a bit more old school tomorrow - because it is Friday and because I fancy it - but will try to give it a Mediterranean twist (i.e. use evoo)!  Details tomorrow evening.

B:  overnight oats

L:   pancakes, fruit and yogurt

D:  something fish and chippy


The Extra Bit

When I opened up my Kindle last night, up popped an advert for a BBC Good Food recipe book for Mediterranean Diet recipes that was very cheap, just £1.99.  I downloaded a sample to look at and got links to others, all from BBC Good Food on different themes, all between £.99 and £2,99.
So now I have a number of really useful recipe books to explore and enjoy.  BBC Good food recipes are pretty good, reliable, sensible, not too tricky and with nutritional info included.

Now, I am pretty sure all the recipes are on the site but to find them you have to know what they are in the first place.  My head is now buzzing with new-to-me recipes that I would never have discovered otherwise.
If you have a Kindle, they are worth a look - you can download sample pages completely free which is really helpful.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wednesday evening, 11-09-24 - what CAN I have on maintenance?

Good evening, everyone!  

What I ate today

A slightly odd mix of fruit today.  When I checked, some of the strawberries had gone mushy so I sorted them out, chopped off the bad bits, added the good bits to my yogurt with one tsp chia seeds (yes, a whole tsp - my body has obviously decided they are a keeper) and then chopped one plum and one pear.  Yogurt mixture on the bottom, then the pear and fruit, then the rest of the yogurt mix and a tsp pumpkin seeds on top.

One syn for the pumpkin seeds and half a syn for the chia seeds.

This was so, so good.
To make the hummus, I used:
about a third of a can of chickpeas, drained; two tsps extra virgin olive oil; a good squidge of garlic puree; lemon juice and zest; 1 tsp tahini; salt to taste; and a splash of water.
Plus another tsp evoo to drizzle over.
It made two portions.
I added a bit of chutney because I saw that done on the telly (was it Jamie?) and it definitely worked.

One healthy extra B for the focaccia, four syns for the hummus (oil and tahini, halved) and one syn for the chutney

Later on I had  a grilled chicken and vegetable orzo salad and it was lush.  I used runners instead of green beans and reduced the amount of olive oil (still had plenty) and enjoyed it so very much.
It was fresh and Mediterranean and yet satisfying and filling in the best way.
No room for any dessert.

One and a half healthy extra As and five syns (oil)

one and a half healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
twelve and a half syns

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  pumpernickel toast with smashed avo, smoked salmon and tomato and onion salad
I'd rather have a poached egg instead but I have smoked salmon to use up. 

D:  chicken, tomato, feta and lemon salad

Exercise:  probably just walking - it's quite a full day.
The Extra Bit

Never let anyone tell you that, with Slimming World, once you hit target the support stops.  It doesn't but you do have to put a bit of effort in, it doesn't get handed to you on a syn free platter!
I got out my Slim For Life book, the one you are given when you get to target.  It guides you through the first twelve weeks/three months of maintaining covering such subjects as your individual pathway (how many syns, how many As/Bs), etc, a planning section, savvy syns, eating out, body magic, habits, staying a lifetime member with ongoing access to the app/site . . .  oh, loads of stuff.

I particularly checked out the 'pathways' which are based on how quickly you lost weight in the last eight weeks before target.  You don't HAVE to stick to it, it's guidance but very helpful guidance and worth knowing.

I'm on route B and I had rather forgotten the details which are:
1.  Food Optimise as normal, making free food and speed free food your priority
2.  Then allow yourself up to two additional healthy extra choices each day (As or Bs, it's up to you)
3.  And, if you wish, on two or three days of the week, up to fifteen extra syns, choosing 'savvy syns' where possible

I'm glad I checked this out . . .

Savvy syns are foods which aren't classed as free foods because they could cause you to gain weight if eaten freely but which:
provide beneficial nutrients
are more satisfying than other syns and
tend to be safer choices for most people - they're less likely to catapult you back into old ways of eating that caused the weight gain in the first place

Sounds awfully like eating the Mediterranean way to me . . . or, at least, the Med way is very doable within these guidelines.
What do you think?

The Basics of Slimming World - three steps

Sometimes, after you've been on the road for a while, it is easy to move quite far away and wander down side tracks.  Some tracks go the same way, some can be misleading.  So, for everyone, including me - let's go back to basics.

So for all of us who are on this journey, new and not so new, here we go!

Three steps
There are three steps to the SW structure.  They are:
1.  unlimited Free Food
2.  Healthy extras A (calcium) and B (fibre)
3.  5 - 15 carefully counted Syns
1.  Unlimited Free Food.
These are:
lean meat and poultry
fish (if it swims, it slims)
eggs and dairy products
plant based proteins
rice, pasta, noodles and grains
beans, peas and lentils
store cupboard staples such as herbs, spices, fat free dressings, etc (see the book, web site or app for specifics)
some drinks
You don't have to weigh or measure these foods (unless cooked with fat or synned food, in which case the fat/oil/synned food has to be measured)

The guidance is to have roughly a third of your plate as Protein, a third Free (more starchy) and a third Speed  with the aim of eating to satisfaction, not to bursting 

Some Free Food is marked as Protein, some as Fibre, some as Speed to help you balance your plate.  

2.  Healthy Extras
Healthy Extra As provide calcium and include milk (dairy and non dairy options) and cheese
Healthy Extra Bs provide fibre, minerals, nutrients, etc, and include some cereals, some bread, some crispbread, nuts and seeds, some dried, canned and cooked fruit

You are allowed two As and one B each day.  These must be carefully measured.

There is a very comprehensive list in The Book and there are monthly updates on the site/app

3.  Syns
Nothing to do with being sinful or bad.   Syns (short for Synergy) allow you to have a bit of what you fancy (if you want) in measured amounts.  They can be snacks or enhance a recipe/meal.

Again, there are complete lists on site/app and the app has a scan thingy so you can scan and discover the syns.  One syn is worth roughly 20 calories.

Finally, it is hard to follow SW completely without access to the website/app/book and to have them, you need to be a member.
You can be a group member and attend a live SW Group each week - that's what I do.  Once you are at target, you can attend free.
Or you can be an online member - I don't have any experience of online membership, sorry, but I gather there's loads of online support.

Once a member, you can access a whole world of tools, information, recipes, podcasts - oh, so much helpful stuff.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Tuesday evening, 10-09-24 and some salad dressing ideas

Good evening, everyone!  
When I put together the tuna bean salad, it definitely needed something to brighten it up and I didn't want to use mayo so I Googled (one of my best friends/tools, for sure) and found loads of ideas, a few of which I have reproduced below just as lists of ingredients.

What I ate today

I enjoyed breakfast.  I decided to go autumnal with my fruit and used apple (from the freezer, apples given to me by friends), a couple of plums and a pear with chia seeds in the yogurt and pumpkin seeds sprinkled over.
One syn for the seeds.

Lunch was a bean, tuna and walnut salad (plus side salad) made with a small can of tuna, mixed chickpeas and haricot beans, chopped red pepper and red onion, black olives (one syn) and some capers for a real pop of flavour, plus 15g walnuts, chopped a bit smaller.  Oh, and I used tuna in sunflower oil which I drained so that's four syns.
 I made the dressing which I have added at the bottom of The Extra Bit, I used the lot and it was delicious.
For dessert, I had some melon as it really did need using up.
One healthy extra B for the walnuts four syns for the tuna and and six and a half syns for the dressing (six for the evoo).

Bit high on the old oil so far today.  Just as well I can have extra syns when in my happy zone - well, I can anyway but you know what I mean!

I'm not sure what to make if this recipe, baked prawns with feta.  For a start, the portions were enormous and I wonder if there was a type and it should have said serves 4, not 2.  I made a quarter, more or less and it was loads.
I'm not terribly fond of prawns but I think with chicken, pulses or salmon, it would really be quite nice.
I don't have pomegranate molasses but I googles and it said balsamic vinegar and maple syrup would be an OK sub so I did.
What really shocked me was that it said six tbsp - yes, tbsp, not tsp - of olive oil.  That's three per portion.  I mean, no way!!
Anyway, I adapted and it was OK but I won't make it again with prawns.
No dessert.  Neither wanted nor needed it.

I used two syns worth of evoo, half a tsp maple syrup is negligible but let's call it half a syn and the feta was a healthy A

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
thirteen syns (nine and a half was for evoo and healthy fats)
My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit and yogurt, maybe seeds

L:   h m hummus, focaccia toast fingers, crudités, side salad; fruit

D:  grilled chicken and veg orzo salad; fruit

Exercise:   a walk

The Extra Bit

I was on the lookout for a dressing to go with the tuna and bean salad and here's a few I found.  I'll just post the ingredients - essentially it is oil and acid (vinegar, lemon juice, etc) in the proportions 2/1 and the rest is to taste.
Whisk or shake together, taste and adjust.
(evoo is extra virgin olive oil, by the way)

Disclaimer - I haven't tried them all - they just look a likely proposition for different flavours!

lemon juice
white or red vinegar (or others if you fancy - apple cider or sherry maybe)
dijon mustard
rated or crushed garlic
dried oregano
dried basil (I won't!)
salt and black pepper

A simple yogurt dressing
lemon juice
sweet chilli sauce
(no oil!)

A simple honey lemon dressing
lemon juice
salt and pepper
(maybe add a bit of mustard too)

Peanut butter salad dressing with Asian vibes
rice vinegar
peanut butter (I will use peanut butter powder and a splash of water)
soy sauce
sweet chilli sauce
parsley or coriander, chopped finely
lime juice

And another one for luck
smooth peanut butter (or PBP and water)
grated ginger
grated garlic
soy sauce
sesame oil (just a little)
lime juice
splash water for consistency

Just be aware that measuring what you use and synning is essential if you're on Slimming World but made from fresh is loads better for you than pre-made from the shop, loaded with 'rubbish' ingredients (especially the 'lighter' kinds).  I'm happy to pay the syns.

And finally - the one I made today for lunch with amounts.
one tbsp evoo - six syns
half a tbsp apple cider vinegar
a quarter tsp each of Dijon mustard and maple syrup (half a syn total)
some garlic puree
salt and black pepper
Put everything in a small pot with a lid and give it a good shake.  Taste and adjust seasonings if necessary.

Monday 9 September 2024

Monday evening, 09-09-24 and a soup recipe

Good evening, everyone!  

It's not been a very nice day today, all damp and dull and a bit chilly, so I made soup because that's what you do, isn't it?
I decided to make a big potful and put most in the freezer as a base soup so that I can ring the changes when I fancy a portion.
I've rambled on for ages about what I did in The Extra Bit at the bottom.  Why can't I be succinct when I write out a recipe?  I dunno!!

Totally different - in SlimWin (Facebook, look it up, it's great) yesterday, Roe mentioned about a raspberry vinaigrette, shop bought, that she uses.  It seems that it is quite easy to make so maybe I will have a go at some time.  It has to be better for me than a commercial one, wouldn't you think?  

What I ate today

The usual fruit with yogurt underneath.  Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and a tsp pumpkin seeds with a sprinkle of sweetener.
One syn for the seeds.

Later on, I had an apple.

Soup for lunch on a damp and gloomy Monday and it was really nice.  Details down below in The Extra Bit.
No room for dessert straight away.

One healthy extra A for 30g hard goat's cheese, one and a half healthy extra Bs for the focaccia and two syns for the oil.

A close up!

Later on, I had an apple.

I found the dinner recipe in a publication from Woman and Home - Mediterranean Air Fryer Recipe Book (more a thick magazine really).  It's called Spanish Chicken Bake and I wasn't sure.  I found the timings and the temperature a but off - air fryers differ so much - and I used stock because I didn't have white wine but it was lovely.  The onion, tomatoes and oil made a lovely deep sort of sauce and I decided to team it with a salad.
Definitely making that again, for sure.
Six syns for a tbsp oil and one and a half for olives.

one healthy extra A
one and a half healthy extra Bs
eleven syns, eight of them for olive oil

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt, seeds

L: tuna, bean and walnut salad; fruit

D:  baked prawns with feta, salad or vg; fruit


The Extra Bit:

I haven't made a hearty bean and veg soup since - well, last winter, I think.  I used to make it a lot when I went over to Mum and Dad's because they both liked it, I could ring the changes with the flavours, it froze well and it was something that Mum could manage as it didn't take much chewing.

Like many soups, it is an idea rather than a recipe, very ad hoc depending on what you have in the  house at the time but, for me, the key parts are:

veg (definitely onion and whatever else)
pulses (mixed or single, what you fancy or have)
stock and seasonings
And, for me at the moment - olive oil!  You could use spray oil or other oil.

It makes a sort of 'base soup' to which you can add whatever.

This time, my base soup had
two tbsp olive oil (12 syns)
the snapped off bits of asparagus - I just cut off the very bottom bit
broccoli stalk - I cut off the florets for another time
sweet potato
edamame beans for extra protein!
chicken stock from the freezer - I had rather a lot so a good way to use some up
a mix of haricot beans and chick peas - I didn't need them all but tomorrow I am having a bean and tuna salad and on Wednesday I have hummus planned.  There was a bit left so that went in a poly bag in the freezer.
Plus salt, pepper, vegetable all rounder and garlic.
Apart from the oil, the rest is speed or SW free food.

I softened the onion, added the rest of the veg, all chopped up into dice, then the squashed garlic, put in the stock and the mixed pulses, brought it all up to a simmer and just let is bubble away until everything was soft.
I didn't bother to check the seasonings because it was mostly going in the freezer and this is a base so less is more.
It made six portions so two syns per portion.

One portion stayed out and to that I added some bulgur wheat, mushrooms, tomatoes and extra seasoning plus some grated cheese for an A and focaccia for one and a half Bs