Saturday 28 September 2024

Saturday evening, 28-09-24, bits and bobs and Roe's YouTube channel.

Good evening, everyone!  

There's a bit of a conflict between me and the contents of my freezer at the moment.  There's too much meat and I'd really like to reduce the freezer down a little bit with the aim of getting a smaller one at some point.
Ah, well - no complaints.  Meat is costly and the less I have to buy the better really.  But I do need to do another audit and give some thought to where it can all fit in, don't I?

Changing the subject entirely, yesterday I learned that two parts light creme fraiche (one and a half syns per level tbsp), one part Greek yogurt and some lemon juice makes a very acceptable substitute for soured cream.  Who knew, eh?
Not me.

And another change - this morning, I chopped, stoned and cooked a couple of -plums with a bit of Christmas Spice skinny syrup (you could use sugar, honey, whatever sweetener) , added chia seeds and it made a very delicious 'jam'/sauce.  I am enjoying experimenting with different fruits.
What I ate today

Same breakfast, served a little differently.   Orange segments one side, apple segments with a sprinkle of cinnamon the other side and yogurt with gingerbread syrup and seeds in the middle.
I dunked!

Two syns for seeds.

Later on, I weighed out some walnuts for a snack - and they were enough - just.  That's good.
One healthy extra B

My favourite lunch - a cheese and chutney toastie.

One and a half healthy extra As, one healthy extra B, one and a half syns for chutney and two syns for dressing.

Dinner was from the Good Food Mediterranean Diet book ( ) and was an absolute doddle.  I used chilli flakes instead of paprika as I only have ordinary chopped tomatoes and I added some mixed beans, partly for more protein and partly because I have some to use up.  Oh, and the cheese was cheddar.
Dessert was a plum.

Three syns for evoo and half a healthy extra A for the cheese.

two healthy extra As
two healthy extra Bs
eight and a half syns
My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  rice pudding with plum chia jam, fruit on the side, if needed.
Ringing the changes a little bit because I have some rice pudding in the freezer that ought to be used up.  Not strictly speaking Mediterranean in spirit but the fruit and the chia jam will help.

L:  lamb shank, roasties and veg
It's one of those frozen ones from Aldi and I'm really not fond of the sauce it comes in since they changed the recipe so I intend cooking it, taking off as much of the sauce as I can and making a simple mint gravy instead.  
That should lower the syns too but I will have to make a sensible guess on that one.

D:  tuna and caper panzanella; fruit

Exercise:  rest day

The Extra Bit

Another call out, this time to my lovely friend, Roe (who has commented here from time to time) who has a You Tube channel called 'It's Just My Weigh'.

Roe uses Slimming World and also a plan called Body Slims which I have never come across before but which, as far as I can tell, is a ten week program that emphasises a complete mind and body approach to weight loss and fitness.  Google it if you'd like to more.

Anyway, Roe lives in New York so some of the ingredients she uses are not available over here but her recipes and meals look really good.  Also she is such a caring and kind person who really empathises - and she is a founder member of our lovely Slim Wins Facebook group.

Use the link to take a look . . .  

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