Monday 30 September 2024

Monday evening, 30-09-24

Good evening, everyone!  

I'm really pleased that I have managed to hold off doing a shop until tomorrow - new month, new budget.
I know it is all numbers on a spreadsheet really but it helps to be able to sort of compartmentalise spending - it helps me, anyway.
I went through my cupboards and fridge today, tried to work out what I should reasonably need in October in terms of store cupboard stuff and I have a Little List to work through (and it is fairly little) - but not at Sainsburys as it's expensive.   I'll go to Morrisons for most of it at some point, or maybe Aldi.
So, tomorrow morning, after Groove, I'm off to Sainsburys to stock up on my fresh produce and, main reason for shopping there, to get some items I can't find anywhere else.  Oh, and doing my monthly petrol fill up.
What I ate today

Some of the cherry chia jam in the yogurt and apple from the freezer and it was downright scrummy.
Half a syn for the seeds.

Later on, I had an apple.

I had to change the recipe (which I can't find online, sorry) for lunch.  I didn't have roasted red peppers in oil so I nicked some oil from some sundried tomatoes and I found I didn't have any chickpeas so I used some mixed bean leftovers instead.  And I added some salad leaves.  It was really tasty.
I needed a bit of orange juice for the dressing and I had the rest of the orange for dessert.
Three syns for half a tbsp oil.

I'm afraid I wolfed down some almonds in the afternoon . . . ooops!

Dinner - broad beans with tomatoes and anchovies with baked cod was really lovely.  Going to make that again, for sure.  
Here's the link for the vegetable part.  I used red onion.  

Three syns for oil.  I probably ought to syn the anchovies but I'm not going to.

Dessert was two plums.

no healthy extra As or Bs BUT . . .
. . . by the time I count the almonds, it probably sort of balances out.  I am not stressing.
six and a half syns

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:   soup and croutons; fruit
Using another of the soup bases from the freezer with add ons of what I have in the fridge

D:  mixed beans with tomatoes and anchovies
leek, pea and ham pasta, maybe side veg; fruit

Exercise:  Groove class and the walk there and back (if it's not raining)

No extra bit this evening.  you can have the evening off.  😉

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