Thursday 26 September 2024

Thursday evening, 26-09-24, cherry chia seed jam and Stephanie's vlog.

Good evening, everyone!  

I'd finished off the chia seed jams I made so I decided to try a different one.
Yesterday I got some frozen cherries, warmed them up with a splash of water, some sweetener and a bit of skinny syrup, mashed them down a bit and then added one and a half tsps chia seeds.
It's now in the fridge, the seeds have thickened the mixture nicely and it was lovely in this morning's yogurt.

Weigh day tomorrow.  Now, I wonder . . .

What I ate today

The cherry chia seed jam was lovely!  So this was strawberry and apple with the chia seeds and some Greek yogurt
Half a syn for the chia seeds.
I had my friend round and I made a feta and olive crustless quiche and a salad.
Now, this photo isn't what I had, it's leftovers - I was too busy chatting to remember to take a photo.  It's also far too complicated to syn/count but I am absolutely sure I won't have gone over.

Very similar to lunch - just a bit more salad added.

No summary tonight.  Back to normal tomorrow, hopefully.  

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  butterbean and roasted veg soup, focaccia for dunking; fruit

D:  I've got chicken fajitas on the planning but might possibly go for steak and chips.  I don't think I have had red meat since I started the Mediterranean diet and you can - just not loads and loads.  I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Exercise:   rest day but I will do some strength stuff at home.

The Extra Bit

I think I'd like to start some call outs to some of my lovely Slim Win friends who have YouTube channels that are slimming related and I am going to start with the lovely Stephanie from Stephanie 1975_sw.

When Stephanie started at SW in January 1918, she was nearly 17 stone.  A year and a half (roughly) later, she hit her target weight of ten stone and she is now on  a 'maintain journey', food optimising following Slimming World at home.

Stephanie is - well, just lovely!  

Things aren't always easy for her - she is a full time carer for her husband, for a start - but she is unfailingly supportive, kind and cheerful, looks on the bright side and goes for the middle road.  As she says, 'moderation in all things'.

She usually posts once a week on a Tuesday evening, talking about food, exercise, family, life in general, plus her weekly weigh in update - lose, maintain or gaintain, which is a gain but still within her target range (what I call my Happy Zone)..
Calling it a gaintain kind of normalises it for me and emphasises that it's nothing to stress over, very helpful when one has been on a weight loss journey and now needs to modify one's expectations.

Do pop over and take a look.


  1. I’m inspired by your chia jam. I’ve been using the seeds for thickening soup and casseroles.
    Does it keep well or must you make it in small quantities?
    I love feta and olive combinations.

    1. No, it doesn't keep. Store it in the fridge and use it within the week. Mind you, I do wonder about freezing some. I must try that.
      Feta and olive is so tasty, I agree. Perfect match. xx
