Wednesday 25 September 2024

Wednesday evening, 25-09-24 and SW Kitchen

 Good evening, everyone!  

After a bit of thought (didn't take long), I have decided not to use the Slimming World Kitchen delivery meals any more.  They were very good, it's not because I was dissatisfied, but they no longer work with the way my eating needs to go now.

I did have the option to defer every four weeks but you know how that goes - one month you just don't remember in time and then you find a delivery box on your doorstep with meals you didn't order, may not like and have to use up regardless of plans and circumstances.
Yes, I could adapt them but they're not cheap and the whole point is that they are there to just use to match Slimming World.  

I'm glad I gave them a go though and, maybe, at some point, I will use the service again.

What I ate today
The camera is definitely refusing to connect with my PC (and my laptop) - such a nuisance.  I will be using my mobile for a short time until I replace the camera but I'm not nearly so confident with the mobile.  Wish me luck.  

Breakfast was the usual.  Apple and blackberry this time and I finished off the raspberry chia jam in the yogurt

Half a syn for the chia seeds.

Later on I had some watermelon.

The sun had come out by lunch time but I didn't fancy a salad anyway so I fried some tomatoes and mushrooms in evoo to have with the gratin leftovers to which I added some pulses from the freezer
(and the sun disappeared again anyway!)

One and a half syns, a bit of an A and half a B for the gratin and three syns for evoo to cook the tomatoes and mushrooms.

(The photos are OK really, I think.  Loads better than nothing at all, for sure.)

Later on I had a pear and a plum
A very simple dinner of pasta with roasted vegetables (onion, butternut squash, sweet potato, pepper, mushroom, baby corn, tomatoes and some pulses with some cheddar sprinkled over.
Afters was an apple.

Three syns for evoo and one A for the cheese.

one and a bit healthy extra As
half a healthy extra B
eight syns, seven and a half for evoo so I am managing around a tbsp oil each day which is fine.

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  Fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  I have a SW pal round for lunch and I am doing crustless quiche with feta and olives, a side salad and fruit for afters

D:  butterbeans with tomatoes and anchovies

Exercise:   SET class online
I showed Lindsey the results of my weigh on the app and she said what I said - pinch of salt but let's work on increasing muscle mass a bit while holding weight steady.  So that's what we are doing.  It is so helpful to have a personal trainer.  

The Extra Bit

I thought I would just give a call out to three YouTube channels I have found very helpful in my exploration of the Mediterranean way.
The links take you to their 'Home Pages' from where you can access their videos, shorts, etc

The first is Dr Anna Pleet's channel.
Anna is a medical doctor in the USA who trained and lived in Italy and believes that the Mediterranean lifestyle is an extremely healthy
She was the first YouTube channel I 'discovered' and her videos are accessible, easy to understand and helpful, not complicated or over technical in any way.

The next is Mediterranean Living.  Bill Bradley is an American dietician and his videos cover a range if related subjects.  He also has a web site but I won't post a link because my anti-virus thingy didn't like it!
I find his videos informative, certainly, but perhaps not broken down quite as clearly as Anna's.

I wasn't sure what to think about this channel at first.  Caroline is, to my British mentality, quirky and maybe a bit 'twee' in her presentation, but what she covers certainly helpful and I got used to her after a while.  She is a big believer in the healthy Mediterranean diet and gives information, healthy recipes, tips and guides for how to follow it.

A bonus link, closer to home, not a whole channel but a podcast from the Zoe channel that I found extremely helpful and informative.  I think I have mentioned this one before but it's worth repeating.
It's long, can feel maybe a bit heavy but, if you want info, it's good.  


  1. I decided against trying the SW meal boxes as having used both Hello Fresh and Gousto (which have a greater selection of meals) in the past I found them just too expensive. I do think boxes a great idea though.
    I use chia seeds snd flaxseeds in my meals when I can. They are apparently very good for us and I like seeds anyway.

    1. I like chia and I also have a jar of mixed seeds which goes on or in loads of things. The SW meals are very good and work perfectly with The Plan. Portions are very generous too - a two person meal did me three and occasionally four meals - but still more expensive than home sourced. I might use them again from time to time.

    2. It’s good to hear that they are generous portions. I think the Iceland SW meals are too. We sometimes have a curry type one between us as a baked potato topping

    3. I love it when meals provide leftovers. :-) xx
