Friday 6 September 2024

Friday evening, 06-09-24 - no Eat-Your-Syns day this week

Good evening, everyone!  
I've had a lovely time at my friend's and it has really helped that she is 'into' healthy eating with plenty of fruit and veg and olive oil.  It's been good for me to step away from healthy extras and syns for a few days, not because they are bad but because I need to know that I can regulate my eating without a total reliance on them.
I am giving Eat-Your-Syns-Day a miss this week - not prizes for guessing why.  😉😊

Things will be back to normal tomorrow and I'm looking forward to that.  On Sunday morning I will step on my scales and see what, if any, damage has been done after which we carry on with SW the Med way and intermittent fasting (I've missed that).
What I ate today

Breakfast was my usual fruit - apple, kiwi, grapes and strawberries and very nice too.  

I remembered to take a photo!!  Suzanne and I shared a ready made sandwich at Wisley and it really was rather nice - spicy bean and avocado with tortilla chips - not that I could see the point of that last as they were soggy!!
And that was that - not SW friendly, a little bit Med friendly (wholegrain, seed, avocado and pulses) and probably OK in terms of calories.

And here's dinner.  A most delicious concoction of salmon, leeks, shallots, peas and a wine and crème fraiche sauce.  

Back to the straight and narrow again tomorrow.

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  probably fruit and yogurt

L:  at home again after a mini shop to top up with fruit and veg.  an omelette wrap with some bolognaise mixture (from the freezer), some cheese (feta?) and a side salad; fruit

D:  pasta arrabbiata using the rest of the bolognaise from the freezer, runner beans if there's enough to pick or maybe green beans; fruit

Exercise:   a rest day, I think.

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