Friday 6 April 2018

Recipe: bbq sauce

I just wanted a little bit for two chicken thighs so it was just a splash of the following, all from what I have in fridge and cupboard:

brown sauce
cider vinegar
lime juice (out of lemon juice)
dijon mustaed
sweet chilli sauce
garlic puree

and a sprinkle of sea salt

While this is not totally liver shrinking, I rarely use much in the way of condiments so should be forgiven such small amounts occasionally.  If not - tough!  :-)

This is what I did.

I mixed the sauce ingredients together well ahead of cooking time.
I'd taken some chicken out of the freezer and as soon as it started thawing, I took off the skin and popped then in a non-reactive, oven proof dish.

I poured and spooned over the bbq sauce . . . you can see I didn't need to make all that much.

. . . covered it all with cling film and popped it in the fridge to finish thawing and to marinate.

At dinner time, I heated the oven to 200C and popped in the dish, covered with foil, for around 35 minutes (until cooked through), taking off the foil after about 20 mins.

I had it with rice and tomatoes and it was very, very tasty indeed.  For a darker sauce, I could have added some soy sauce.

(with apologies for the naff photos)


  1. Nah, they're not naff at all. Love that juicy chicken!

    1. :-) Thanks. I ought to look for a course on How To Take Better Food Photos Using A Bogstandard Digital Camera!
      It was delicious though and that's the main thing.
      J x
