Morning, everyone!
Weigh day today - I wonder . . .
I ought to lose something as I've been on the plan all week and, although specific plans have changed, I've not deviated. But you never know with this losing weight malarkey, do you?
I went shopping yesterday but managed to stick to mostly essentials. Fresh fruit and veg, dairy, eggs and so on. I did get more chicken from Aldi as I'm pretty much out and use chicken a lot (you may have noticed!!!) and, to my delight, M&S have started stocking their mango and sweet chilli dipping sauce again which I really like and which is only one syn per tbsp. They haven't had it in for ages so I got two bottles. I guess that was a bit naughty really.
I'm really hoping this will be the last shop in February.
This evening will be totally off plan as I have Dave and Anna round and I'm doing a curry evening, mostly home made so goodness knows what they will think of it but I'm sure I will enjoy it and
There Will Be Wine.
Yesterday's meals:
I was pushed for time (or so I thought) so I had a banana and an apple for breakfast, both eaten on the run, so to speak. No photo.
My friend, Val, was coming over for lunch but she couldn't come due to illness in her family. This is what we would have had and it was very, very tasty. Her portion of the Mexican rice one-pot has joined the other two portions in the freezer, I enjoyed the other 'bowl', made with a wrap, later on so today I had one A and two Bs which is how it was when I started doing Slimming World.
Later on, I had an apple and an easy peeler
The decision as to whether to have roasted veg or a salad with the kebabs was taken out of my hands as I had salad left from lunch. I spent another syn on some mango and sweet chilli dipping sauce (I had to really, didn't I?) and it was very nice. Perfectly filling too - I wanted no more.

Today's plans
B: fruit and yogurt
SW: half a syn for the yogurt
L: bacon, beans and potato waffle; fruit
I have baked beans left over from Wednesday which should be used up today.
SW: two syns for the waffle
D: festive leftover turkey curry (that's what the spice mix is called), beef massaman, chicken tikka, Bombay (or Mumbai) potatoes, Indian nibbly things; fruit platter
Definitely off plan!
SW: I have no idea!!
Ex: a rest day although I expect I will be dashing around from pillar to post for some of the day.
no healthy extras
two and a half planned syns plus whatever else I have.
Straight back on it again tomorrow.
What do I mean by low spend?
February is a low spend month.
Through January, I spent very little on non essential food and other items. The idea was to spend nothing on non food things and I didn't quite achieve that but I was happy with how it went, all the same.
I was so pleased to be able to make some charitable donations as a result; it's so nice to see positive outcomes.
'Essential' means food such as fresh fruit, veg and dairy/eggs and other essentials including things like cleaning products and toiletries although I think I am fine for the latter, plus anything necessary that comes up through the month
As for all other spending, there are a few items I need but not an awful lot so I'm really hoping it will also be low spend.
(Of course, all regular bills, direct debits, etc, will still be paid as usual)
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