Good morning! Apart from the numerous boiled sweets, taken to help the cough and throat (both getting better by the day), yesterday was completely on plan which is great. That's two days on the run (literally, at times, due to the 'sugar free' nature of the boiled sweets).
I'm thankful.
Yesterday's meals:
The cooked breakfast. I know it looks loads but it was mostly tomatoes - a number of them were in need of - er - pruning, shall we say, so I decided to use all the good bits rather than put some back into the fridge. Tomatoes are very good for you and low in calories so it didn't bother me.
I bought the cooked chicken slices for convenience over the past week, never used them and didn't really like them in the pitta yesterday. I rarely buy pre-cooked chicken anyway and probably won't again for a while.
The celery wasn't very nice either - it's quite an old stalk, I certainly didn't buy it last weekend, maybe not the weekend before. I think it is a chop and in the freezer for casseroles job, once the outside ribs have been discarded.
This was filling so I saved the planned fruit for later on.
Dinner worked really well. I did the mac cheese bit as planned, using the newly cooked and still hot macaroni, a bit of the cooking water, two tbsp crème fraiche, two triangles of laughing cow light and about 15g of my 40g of cheddar, all stirred together over a low heat until the cheese had melted into a sauce. It just needed some pepper although next time I will try adding some mustard and/or some garlic granules as well.
Piled over a portion of campfire stew, the rest of the cheese sprinkled over the top and in the oven for about twenty mins, it was very tasty and made enough for two portions - so that's my lunch today sorted out - and it halves the syns/healthy extra As
I finished off with a kvarg.

Today's plans:
B: baked bean omelette wrap, tomatoes and mushrooms
Some may (will!) shudder, but I really fancied this for breakfast. Two eggs to make a thin omelette/wrap sort of thingy and when that's cooked, pop on some hot baked beans and roll it up. There's a couple more tomatoes that hadn't actually gone over enough to need cutting up so I'll use them up.
(I'll finish off the baked beans tomorrow)
SW: it should all be speed/free unless I add half a syns-worth of sauce to the beans
L: leftovers of campfire mac and cheese, salad; fruit
As described above and I'm looking forward to it very much.
SW: one healthy extra A for cheese and one syn for crème fraiche (both for the sauce) plus one syn if I have mayo or dressing
D: hunter's chicken, maybe some chips, salad and coleslaw or veg; yogurt
Stupidly, while I was poorly, I had some chicken breasts in pack of two that I was going to use in a meal with Dave and Anna but, obviously, couldn't, so I just checked them into the freezer instead of separating and wrapping them.
So I will thaw two out today, have hunter's chicken with on (I have bbq sauces in the freezer) and roast the other one for a Sunday roast dinner.
SW: one healthy extra A for cheese but the sauces in the freezer are free, I think. The coleslaw mayo will be one syn and dessert, half a syn
As before, some of the stuff Lindsey gave me. Covid has left me a bit wobbly so doing a bit each hour is good.
two healthy extra As
no healthy extra Bs
four syns
From the freezer:
the campfire stew
bbq sauce