Sunday 13 March 2022

Sunday, 13-03-22

Good morning!  Here I am, not exactly back on it but at a point where I know I really need to start focusing again.  These past five days or so have been a carb, fat and sugar laden fest and I just didn't have the mental or physical energy to fight it, snowflake that I am.
Interestingly, I have discovered a way of battling a tickly cough.  Lots of wholemeal toast, the toastier the better.  It sort of  scratched as it went down and kept the tickle at bay to a very helpful degree.  So I had rather a lot!
The sugar was boiled sweets, both medicated and ordinary and they really helped the sore throat as well as the cough
Not great for a Slimming World girl but  that's just tough!
Yesterday's meals:
I managed to get round to taking a few photos.  Breakfast was scrambled eggs on toast.

Lunch was a jacket potato with salad cream and cheese.  I have this weird love for salad cream mashed into potato - better than butter, I reckon - and really enjoyed this.
This messy looking meal is cheesy chicken and chips pie.
I had cut the chips on Friday but didn't have the energy to actifry them.
The underneath is the last portion of the leftovers chicken soup I made from the roast dinner a fortnight ago.
I simmered the soup to thicken it a bit more (it was already quite thick) and actifried the chips.  Into an ovenproof dish went the chicken and veg mixture, the chips went on top and grated cheese on top of that and into the oven for fifteen minutes and I know it looks a right mess but it was lovely.
I have half left for lunch today - nice.

All very beige and carby and I did have all sorts of other stuff too - lots of boiled sweets for the cough and sore throat for a start.  But I feel I am tiptoeing back onto the wagon again now so, please, fingers crossed that the next few days sees an improvement in diet and increased motivation again!

Today's plans:  I'm not referencing SW today, just trying to make better choices.

B:  porridge with jam

L:  cheesy chicken and chips pie, salad; fruit
Yesterday's leftovers, warmed up.

D:  lamb and beef keema pie, veg; yogurt
I still have a couple of Oakhouse ready meals from Dad's freezer and thought I'd take the easy option for dinner.  I'll probably have some steamed sprouts and broccoli which will make it the healthiest meal I've had in days, I expect!

Exercise:  Can you hear the slightly hysterical laughter?
Seriously, not much, just a bit from time to time but I'm not pushing things.

no comment!!

From the freezer:
just the Oakhouse ready meal


  1. You sound like you're doing exactly the right thing, listening to your body and giving it what it needs. Well done. Interesting that the well toasted toast helps your tickly cough....I've always found toast is the last thing I want when I have a cough, as it just makes me cough more! Keep on looking after yourself and feeling better, Joy xx

    1. I expect it's the type of cough. This was an annoyingly tickly cough. Now it's 'breaking up' as we say, toast is no longer helping.
      I had a little wry smile while reading your comments. I don't know about 'need', it's more about 'want' but who is to say they aren't sometimes one and the same thing, eh?
      Thanks, Sooze. xx
