Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Wednesday, 02-03-22

Good morning!
Well, yesterday went loads better, thank goodness, apart from a minor accident with some Hi Fi bars come the evening which won't have been a disaster, just a nuisance.

I'm really, really low on fresh vegetables, having finished off most of them for Sunday lunch but I've decided I'm not going to do a shop this week.  I have enough, including stuff in the freezer so can manage and I'll stock up again next week.
Yesterday's meals:

In the end, I used wholemeal SR flour to make these pancakes and they were delicious.  I had some agave nectar on top and a lemon kvarg inside and yummy!

After all, one HAS to have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, doesn't one?
This was the chicken and veg soup I made on Monday but didn't have and, my word, it was good.
Dessert was an orange.
I changed the plan and had the sweet and sour chicken and noodles that I had planned for Monday.
Shrove Tuesday is all about using up bits and bobs before Lent starts (I'm not 'giving up' anything for Lent unless I can think of something useful - any ideas?)
So I used up:
two nests of egg noodles that came with a Hello Fresh meal and didn't get used
the last of a bag of frozen stir fry veg
a sachet of sweet and sour sauce that was < whispers > past its best by date
and nearly all of the rest of the chicken from the Sunday roast

It all actually made two portions so that is lunch today sorted out.

Today's plans:

B:  soufflé pancakes with agave nectar and fruit
This is the recipe that just uses separated eggs, yogurt/kvarg and flavourings.  I usually make a roulade but this time I will make it into sort of pancakes with some frozen raspberries (from garden and allotment) and choccy sauce
SW:  10g of the chocolate sauce from the Groovy Food Company is one and a  half syns

L:  the other half of the sweet and sour chicken and noodles; fruit
SW:  three syns for the sauce

D:  fish, peas and chunky chips; yogurt
I will egg-and-breadcrumb some fish, probably cod, from the freezer.
SW:  half a B choice for the breadcrumbs and two syns for a tsp oil for the chips.  The yogurt is half a syn

E:  personal training with Lindsey

no healthy extra As
half a healthy extra B
seven syns

From the freezer: 


  1. That chicken soup looks really tasty - easy to make?

    1. Very. It was all leftovers from Sunday lunch plus some of the stock from the chicken carcass and some chunks of squash and sweet potato from the freezer, all bunged in together and cooked. Oh, and a bit of orzo - I find the starch from the pasta thickens the texture really nicely.
