Friday 3 May 2024

Friday evening, 03-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  
After a very quiet and peaceful day, I'm feeling loads better this evening, thank goodness.
Ready to move on again now.  I think part of it was the 'wrong kind of food' but also I was so very weary.

(It's been a wet day today . . .)

What I have eaten today:

I fasted over breakfast.  
Lunch was a simple salad with one of the chicken koftas I made a couple of weeks ago, thinly sliced and with chutney.  Really nice.  Afters was an orange.

One syn for the kofta, one for salad cream and one and a half for chutney.

Tiktok pasta is very versatile.  I used tomatoes, roasted red pepper and mushroom plus some 60% lighter 'feta-type' cheese (so the end result wasn't as creamy) with mixed Italian seasoning and some balsamic vinegar.  I drizzled olive oil over the feta and added some mixed seeds to the final results once I had mixed the veg and feta with some cooked pasta, which gave a great additional texture.

Two healthy extra As, part of a healthy extra B (seeds), two syns for olive oil.

Tomorrow's meal plans

B:  Roy's banana custard French bread

L:  either tortellini and salad or Spanish chicken and rice (both from the freezer)

D:  Beth is taking me to the Giggling Squid for my birthday (and Alex's too)

Exercise:  a SET class


  1. I often forget about the jar of mixed seeds in my baking cupboard - they'd indeed be lovely sprinkled over salads or pasta, so thanks for reminding me! xx

    1. I love mixed seeds. The seem to make a bigger difference than you would expect and it's those healthy oils too. xx
