Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tuesday evening, 28-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  
Really sorry about yesterday's non-appearance.  Early evening, I developed a nasty migraine/sinus sort of  thing that carried on through the night and into this morning and I really wasn't up to uploading photos, let alone sorting out meal plans.

What I have eaten yesterday and today:

Breakfast was bagel with guacamole and scrambled egg.
One healthy extra B and two syns.
A roast dinner for lunch - chicken roasted potatoes and sweet potato, carrot, corn and broccoli.
Three syns for oil and one and a half for cranberry sauce.

Later on, I had some 'treats' that took me out of my syns limit but that wasn't what caused the migraine, it was the two small glasses of sparkly wine.  For a while now (and I think I have already mentioned this), I have suspected that I am reacting to alcohol in more than the usual way!!
I thought to give it one more go with plenty of soaking up sort of food and yup - that was me flattened.  Not drunk, that wasn't it, it was a very painful migraine or sinus (or both) issue, one sided and really horrible.  I didn't get much sleep, unfortunately but self inflicted so no sympathy requested or expected!  😁

So that is me off alcohol totally from now on.  It's just not worth it.  And my weight loss will thank me, I am sure.

I should have had Groove class and that walk there and back but, obviously, I cancelled that.

No breakfast, thank you.

This was lunch.  Just something plain, nourishing and easy.  Scrambled egg on plain toast.
One healthy extra B,

I got a cottage pie out of the freezer for dinner and there were a few vegetables left over from yesterday so I simply added a bit more cheese to the top of the pie and reheated it all.

Two healthy extra As (probably a bit less but let's call it two) and two and a half syns

up to two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
two and a half syns

Tomorrow's meal plans

B:  fruit

L:  cheese on toast, side salad; fruit

D:  lemon chicken, side veg, rice; fruit

Exercise:  personal training


  1. I've found as I've got older that alcohol, even small amounts, makes me feel unwell - although I don't get a migraine. So, like you, I made the decision to go teetotal 3 or 4 years ago, and I don't miss it at all. Just not worth feeling ill for the sake of a glass or two of wine or G&T. Hope you're feeling much better now. xx

    1. I agree, it really isn't worth it. I'm quite happy to abstain totally. xx
