Thursday 23 May 2024

Thursday evening, 23-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  
Weigh in tomorrow - fingers crossed.

What I have eaten today:

Breakfast was a very tasty fruit salad - pineapple, mango, blackberries, kiwi and melon - with a dollop of 0% yogurt on top'

Syn free.

I went out for lunch and chose a salad bowl - mixed leaves with coleslaw an a beetroot salad.  I could have had protein but chose not to and the French dressing came in a separate jug which was thoughtful.

The coleslaw and beetroot dressings would have come with somer syns but I have no idea how many.
Lemon chicken with some basmati rice for dinner.  This slow cooker recipe was absolutely delicious and I'm so glad there's a second portion to freeze (hopefully it will freeze) with some more chicken at some point.
Then I had an apple.

This is the recipe and I halved it.  I added some pineapple and some mushroom to bulk it out just a bit and I totally recommend it.

Three syns per portion.

no healthy extra As or Bs (I didn't plan any because I didn't know what I was going to choose for lunch)
three syns plus whatever was in the lunch

Tomorrow's meal plans

B:  pancakes or waffles, fruit and yogurt

L:  Unsure at the moment

D:  hm bacon burger, chips, salad

Exercise:  rest day.

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