Thursday 16 May 2024

Thursday evening, 16-054-24

Good evening, everyone.  
Weigh in tomorrow morning and, as always, I have absolutely no idea!  Hopefully it will be a pleasant surprise, not a nasty shock.  

What I have eaten today:

The egg custard came out more like a sweet omelette but it was delicious anyway.  

Syn free.

After I came home from shopping, I had an apple and a plum.
Toasties, as I have too often said, are my absolute favourite lunch.  This one was just cheese and onion chutney.
The salad was the usual veg with some pumpkin seeds and I made a simple dressing out half a tsp of olive oil, honey and dijon mustard with around t tbsp lemon juice and a pinch of sweetener, all mixed up really well.
So delicious.

One and a half healthy extra As, one healthy extra B, one syn for the olive oil, half a syn each for mustard and honey and one syn for mixed seeds

Later on, I nibbled on some crusts (loaf ends, not cut-offs) so that was six syns (or another B but I can only have one at present).

Definitely quite 'arrabbiata' so I had some 0% yogurt with it.  It was really nice though and easy to make.

Half a healthy extra A

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
nine syns
Tomorrow's meal plans

B:  fruit or nothing because . . .

L:  eating out with a friend

D:  provisionally Scott Baptie's nasi goreng, maybe salad; fruit
(it all depends on what I had for lunch)

Exercise: perhaps a walk or an online something.

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