Monday 13 May 2024

Monday evening, 13-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  

What I have eaten today:

I almost didn't get the overnight oats as I forgot yesterday evening.  A good thing about intermittent fasting is that I had time to make it all up this morning instead.  And very nice it was too.  

Tomorrow's meal plans

I had an apple before leaving for circuits.
How to make overnight oats look a little more attractive - add one and a half  syns worth of light squirty cream and a cherry on top.  It was scrummy.

One healthy extra B, one and a half syns for a bit of milk and one and a half syns for the squirty stuff.  

Lunch was a bit muddled.  I usually eat at two but had a hair appointment at two so I had my fruit before I went and the hummus and dippy veg afterwards.
 So it was one apple and two pears (which really needed using up) and this . . . and it was really nice.

One syn for the hummus.

And dinner.  I call it pasta-sagne.
I had veg, I had half a can chopped tomato, I had pork and I had some very reduced and fat free pork stock with spiced from the rub.
I cooked the together.
I cooked 40g penne.  I drained it, added two light cheese triangles and a bit of the pasta water and stirred until it was all 'sauce-y.
I put the red sauce in a dish, spooned over the pasta/sauce, topped with grated cheese and popped under the grill to brown the cheese.

It was flippin' delicious.

Two healthy extra As and no syns.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
four syns

B:  breakfast not-McMuffin, tomatoes and mushrooms maybe

L:  roast pork with feta salsa

D:  honey mustard chicken and apples

Exercise:  Groove class.  Probably no walk though as the forecast is for pouring rain.

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