Thursday 8 September 2022

Thursday, 08-09-22

Good morning, everyone!
Really sorry about yesterday - I've not felt 100% all week and just sort of crashed.  After rather a lot of sleep and far too much eating stodge, I am feeling a lot better now and ready to start undoing the damage wrought by the last couple of days.  I think plenty of protein, fruit and veg and as little carb as I can get away with should help - at the moment I can't look another bit of bread in the eye!!!
Yesterday's meals

You don't want to know - it was grab what was easiest.  I with I lost appetite when I'm feeling unwell, not the opposite.
Oh, well - c'est la vie!
Today's plans

B:  bacon and tomatoes
I have a lot of tomatoes again so they will feature strongly in today's plans.
SW:  protein and speed

L:  tomato and roasted red pepper soup; fruit
My usual recipe - I throw onion, carrot, tomatoes, roasted red peppers out of a jar and chicken stock into Thermione, add seasonings (always salt, pepper and garlic granules plus spice if I fancy it) and maybe extra water/stock powder, give it 20 mins at 100 on speed 2, blitz it down and push it through a sieve to make it completely smooth.
It always works, whether I use fresh tomatoes from the garden (the best way) or canned and chopped tomatoes.
I might add a dollop of 5% yogurt to make it 'creamy'.  5% shouldn't split.
SW:  speed and free and half a syn for 33g 5% yogurt

D:  chicken escalope, probably salad; yogurt
I plan to bash out a piece of chicken, dust it in something - I have a fair old selection of spice mixes - and spray fry it or maybe Ninja it instead.  Then I can save some for tomorrow and slice the rest and have it with salad.  If I'm not feeling salady by this evening, I can do a nice mix of tomatoes, onion, mushroom and pepper and have it with that instead.
If I'm feeling carby by then I will cook a bit of rice or pasta.
SW:  it should be all free and speed apart from half a syn for the yogurt

E:  I cancelled Personal Training yesterday and Lindsey kindly gave me a slot for today instead.  I'll be careful!

no healthy extras - deliberately.
one syn

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