Friday 30 August 2024

Friday evening, 30-08-24 - and a request

Good evening, everyone!  

I'm so delighted to be getting such lovely comments from, I am pretty sure, my lovely Slim Win friends.  Thank you so much, all of you (as well as my usual commenters and readers).

I'd love to know who you are so please can I ask that either . . . 
you finish the comment with your name
you could 'follow' (there's a follow thingy somewhere at the side) and then it will show who you are.

I'm fine with unsigned comments providing they are positive and pleasant.  I'm fine with positive criticism too.  However, I don't tolerate nastiness, negativity or 'spam' - they are always deleted.
(I know none of you lovely lot will ever be anything but kind and supportive and I have been very lucky so far with both my blogs.  Just sayin' . . .  😍)
What I ate today

It's been a funny day's food.
Breakfast was an apple, and orange, some tomatoes and some cashews and pumpkin seeds,  eaten with a coffee at the  Wisley cafe.  No photo because I was chatting.

A bit later I had a Pepsi Max and some crunchy peas - I can't remember what they were called but it was a really small amount.  Again, no photo, sorry.

This was the cream tea.  Two (there was another with a smattering of sultanas too) rather disappointing scones plus the cream and jam plus a cup of tea.  Really not that good and I think I am not used to that sort of thing any more because it sort of 'sat heavy' and I didn't want or eat all of the scones.

It probably took me over my syns, mind you, what with the earlier snack as well.

When I got home (late because the M25 was horrendous), I really didn't fancy what I had planned so I rootled in the fridge and dug out some lychees and that was enough - I really love lychees.  I might feel super-hungry tomorrow now.

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  oat pancakes with fruit, yogurt and chia seeds

L:   the falafels I should have had for dinner today with the tomato and feta sauce and a side salad; fruit

D:  bean and tuna salad; fruit

Exercise:   Rest day - I've done a lot of steps today, much more than usual.


  1. Love reading your blogs you are so clever ,can you please explain how much bs you are allowed 😁

    1. Hi, Joan, thank you. That's so kind.
      Do you mean healthy extra Bs? When working to lose weight, you can have one healthy B a day and there's a lot of things that count as a B - wholegrain bread products, of course, oats, nuts, seeds, some dried fruit, etc. It's all about the fibre content compared to calories.
      Once you are in target range and assuming you want to keep following SW guidelines, you can add one or two extra healthy extras (As or Bs) to your menu.

      It doesn't mean you CAN'T have more than one B food on plan, you can, but you should count the syns.
      Does that make sense? :-) xx

  2. Hi Joy! I couldn't find the thingy on the side so I will just include my name in my comments here on in! We all have off days. It is always disappointing to ne when I look forward to having something and it just doesn't sit right in my stomach or taste good. Hugsxx ❤️ Roe

    1. No problem, Roe, just including your name is absolutely fine. I think I'd kind of psyched myself up to it and it was a let down but, probably, loads better for me not to have it all. Silver linings and all that! xx
