Wednesday 21 August 2024

Wednesday evening, 21-08-24

Good evening, everyone!

What I ate today

OK, This morning was somewhat busy:  I had to take the car in and stayed while they were supposed to do the necessary so I took an apple and a segmented orange with me.  No photos but it was nice.  They have coffee on tap so I made the most of that.

I changed my mind and had pumpernickel bread instead of a bagel but the rest was the same and it was really tasty.

Two and a half syns for the avo and one healthy extra B

Later on, I had a banana.
A thrown together salad for dinner with left over Greek chicken from yesterday's skewers, some leftover feta, some cubes of gammon, shreds of parmesan and leftover couscous plus the usual salad ingredients plus some lighter Caesar dressing (M&S)
So I am calling it one and a half As, three syns for the dressing definitely and I am saying one syn for the leftover bits because there really wasn't very much (and no olives).

one and a half healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
seven syns

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit

L: to a friend's for lunch - she usually makes really healthy stuff.

D:  steak, fried onions, salad or runner beans, fruit

Exercise:  a rest day but my friend and I might go out for a walk.

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