Monday 19 August 2024

Monday evening, 19-08-24

Good evening, everyone!

Yesterday I mentioned the subject of the Slim Win chat we had a short time ago and commented that we are all different and need to work out what is best for us as individuals.  One of the main moving spirits of the whole Slim Win group and support is a lovely lady called Roe who, at the moment, is working out a way that will work best for her after a very difficult time.

She has a vlog on YouTube called 'It's Just My Weigh' and here's the link to it.  Please do go over and show her some support - she supports others so beautifully.

What I ate today

After some trouble with toothache and an emergency appointment with my lovely dentist (they are always lovely in an emergency!), I skipped breakfast today.  Didn't miss it either.

A very breakfast sort of lunch.  Bacon and eggy bread sandwich with some tomatoes (from the garden and so very delicious).
One healthy extra B and half a syn for a very little brown sauce.

I had popcorn, two plums and an apple later on - making up for no breakfast, I guess.
Three syns for the popcorn.

Dinner was h m meatballs in a lovely fresh veg sauce including, of course, tomatoes from the garden, plus a side of runner beans which sort of doubled for spaghetti - kind of!
Half a healthy extra A for grated cheese in the meatballs and half a syn for some chopped olives.
(and I used half the meatball mix to make the burger for tomorrow and kept half the sauce for ditto)
No dessert - I was stuffed.

half a healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
four syns
My meal plans for tomorrow:  A friend is coming over for lunch

B:  fruit

L: Greek chicken skewers, side salad; fruit

D:  cheesy bacon burger either in a bun OR chips on the side but not both, salad; fruit

Exercise:   Groove and the walk there and back

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