Saturday 17 August 2024

Saturday evening, 17-08-24

Good evening, everyone!

I knuckled down today and now have this coming week all meal-planned out with some really good sounding meals including things like
toastie (of course)
meatballs in fresh tomato and veg sauce
cheesy bacon burger
bagel with avo and smoked salmon
steak and onions
bacon and eggy bread sandwich
. . . and all super tasty and even more super SW friendly.  I will do this; I will NOT give up!!

I also get to share with friends this week too.  I have my grandson round for lunch, a friend round another day, also for lunch, Dave and Anna round for dinner and I'm going to a friends for lunch.  A delightfully social week and, apart from one lunch, all within my control.  Perfect!

What I ate today

I was supposed to have breakfast on the SW walk but I tweaked my knee during the online SET class and decided to rest it.  It's fine now.
Syn free.

Later on, three syns for some popcorn.

A very fruity couple of meal and lunch was absolutely lovely.  My usual pancake/waffle batter with strawberry skinny syrup and, as well as what you can see, I drizzled over a bit of the peanut butter sauce I didn't have yesterday for an extra zuzz.  Yummy!
I need to say, as always, that I call 40g wholemeal SR flour a healthy B, the reasoning being that Bs are about fibre and the flour contains similar fibre and calories as 40g oats - and they definitely are a B.
But it's not SW approved.
Half a healthy extra B and one and a half syns for the peanut butter sauce.

I had an apple later in the afternoon.

I made a pretty much standard chicken pasta bake for dinner.  It's a meal I really love and you can ring the changes with different seasonings, herbs and/or spices.  I added garlic and some balsamic vinegar plus some chicken stock.  Also, I do weigh my pasta portions as I find it all too easy to overdo it.
It always looks so much for pretty small amounts of ingredients.
Dinner was one and a half healthy extra As for the cheese and one and a half syns for the olives.

one and a half healthy extra As
half a healthy extra B
six syns

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit

L:  cheese and onion toastie, side salad; fruit

D:  chicken wrapped in bacon, corn on the cob, broccoli, broad beans; fruit

(I might swap lunch and dinner round)

Exercise:  rest day - maybe a walk, maybe some gardening

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