Saturday 3 August 2024

Saturday evening, 03-08-24

Good evening, everyone!

What I ate today

Breakfast, of course.  I don't get bored with fruit every day because there's so much variation.  Today's was pineapple (the last of the juiciest, sweetest pineapple ever), a pear, some blackberries and some raspberries.
Syn free
This was one of SW's better recipes, I think.  Very simple, not too many ingredients and I enjoyed it very much indeed.  I just added some tomatoes because is it actually a salad without tomatoes (and these were picked from the garden) and I just used the lettuce I had.
I'll post the link but I think you will need to be a SW member to access it - sorry.
It was surprisingly filling so I saved my dessert fruit for later on.
Syn free.

Baked feta pasta for dinner and it was another delicious treat.  I'm afraid it is ditto as for lunch regarding the recipe but I will post the link, in case.
I reduced amounts, of course and I double reduced the amount of pasta because 100g dry weight???  I mean, what????
I had about 45g and it was loads.
I used proper olive oil because tomatoes are so lovely roasted in olive oil.
The salad was just a mixed salad but I had a bit of the pickling liquid left from lunch so I whisked in half a tbsp fat free salad dressing and it was really rather good.  I will remember that and now I wonder about trying the same with the lemon vinegar I made.
No dessert - no room!
Three syns for olive oil and half a syn for the dressing.  Oh, and two healthy extra As (some was for nibbling).

two healthy extra As
no healthy extra Bs
three and a half syns

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit and yogurt

L:   roast chicken dinner, fruit
(there may possibly a few dwarf beans to pick - that would be exciting)

D:  chicken and ham pate, hm melba toast, fingers salad; fruit

Exercise:  rest day

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