Tuesday 20 August 2024

Tuesday evening, 20-08-24

Good evening, everyone!

What I ate today

I didn't take a photo of breakfast which was an apple, a banana and two plums -and very nice too.

Not the best light for a photo but here's what I served up for my friend and I.  And it was really lovely.  
Working out the syns is more than a bit impossible but I am calling it eight syns (olive oil and that should more than cover it)  and half an A (for feta in the salad).
I have two little skewers and some couscous left and I will keep that to add to the sort of Caesar salad tomorrow for dinner.  I'll probably cook a bit of bacon to add to it as well.  It won't be in any way authentic but it should be very tasty.

This was a bit of a try out for Friday evening when Dave and Anna are over for dinner . . . and it worked.

A very delicious dinner for basically leftovers and a salad.  You can really tell how the light has changed come the evenings now.  I think I will have to start taking the evening photos inside.

One and a half healthy extra As and half a syn for a few bits of olive in the sauce (probably not really that but, to be safe . . . )

Summary (mindfully estimated)
two healthy extra As (possibly a bit more but . . . )
no healthy extra Bs
eight and a half syns

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit

L: bagel, avocado and smoked salmon, either tomatoes and mushrooms or a side salad; fruit

D:  chicken caesar style salad using the two leftover skewers and couscous plus other bits and bobs; fruit

Exercise:   personal training

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