Thursday 29 August 2024

Thursday evening, 29-08-24 and a name change

Good evening, everyone! 
As you can see, I have changed the title of this blog so it reflects what it is about.  I've also updated the bit at the side that describes  it and, in time, I will start a page with recipes.  Just for now, I am feeling my way and using mostly published and online recipes or ad hoc stuff but give me time . . .

I'm not able to get to SW tomorrow but there's an early morning group on Saturday so I'll turn up there.   I've checked with that consultant.
 I'm missing next week so really don't want to miss this week too.

What I ate today

I had the usual fruit and yogurt for breakfast with added walnuts and pumpkin seeds and one extra thing - half a tsp chia seeds.  This is An Occasion because it's the first time I have ever knowingly had chia seeds and it was only half a tsp because I just didn't know.  But after ten minutes, they had pretty much disintegrated into the yogurt, in texture anyway.  They're supposed to be ever so good for you but maybe not at just half a tsp!
It was lovely.
One healthy extra B for the nuts and seeds.

Yesterday I sort of hypothesised about some falafels I made using leftovers of mixed beans, roasted veg and baba ganoush plus garlic, baharat spice, salt and pepper, lemon juice, oil and I added some fresh breadcrumbs.  After sitting overnight in the fridge, this morning I shaped it into patties (it made seven), brushed them over with evoo and baked them in the oven.
I made a yogurt mint dip with Greek yogurt, mint sauce from a jar, garlic, lemon juice and half a tsp evoo.  
Finally, I made a very simple salad bowl and added the last bit of the baba ganoush made earlier in the week.
And it was all delicious!
Part of a healthy extra B for the breadcrumbs, six syns for evoo, the mint sauce was too little to count, two syns for the babaganoush in the falafels and in the salad and that, I think, is that!

For dinner and in my drive to include more fish in my diet, I found a recipe here.  I cut the butter completely and used very minimal flour for the dusting, so little that I'm not counting it - the spices made up the difference anyway.  
Not my most outstanding successes.  The cod was tiny and I managed to burn the sauce.  The fish itself was really nice and lemony and I'm taking one syn off the olive oil because it went down the sink with the burnt sauce (after soaking the dish).
Oh, well - can't win them all.  My fault, not the recipe and I will try it again at some point!
One syn for half a tsp olive oil.  The rest, I think, is syn free.

no healthy extra As - I must think about this as in upping the oils, I seem to have cut the As.
one and a bit healthy extra Bs
nine syns
It's working OK, the SW structure and the Mediterranean way together (apart from burning stuff!).  My syns have gone up but I did keep them very low and I do have to think about the As but, for a first week, it's not gone so badly.

My meal plans for tomorrow:  having waffled about changing focus, eating healthy, etc, of course tomorrow throws a spanner in the works as I'm out for the day and in the afternoon there will be a cream tea.  Ooops.  Ah, well, that's life and I do wonder how much I will be able to manage as I find that sort of thing very rich nowadays.
I'll let you know.

B:  I'll head straight for the coffee when we get there (to RHS Wisley) and have an apple and an orange

L: The cream tea.  Ho hum!  Just as well I am keeping up the Eat-Your-Syns-Friday thing, isn't it?  

D:  That really depends but I have a tomato and veg sauce in the freezer and I have leftover falafels from today.  I'll be able to concoct something with these, I am sure.

Exercise:  lots of walking.


  1. Lovely blog Joy! I am sure that you will have this all down pat in no time! HugsXx ❤️ Roe

    1. I think so too, Roe. I'm learning new things every day and it is great for increasing my range of foods. Worth learning about anyway, regardless of any hoped-for health benefits.
      Thank you. xx
