Friday 30 March 2018

Friday, 30-03-18

Good morning.

Weigh in news: 2 lbs off this week.  Nearly three, in fact, but as I measure in whole pounds, not quite enough!  I'm now just 2lbs off hitting the target Dr C set me of losing 10% of body weight, my BMI has gone shooting down and all in all, it's looking much more positive that it was six months ago.

Today's plans (with a portion check):
B:  muesli and yogurt (1 protein, 1 dairy)
L:  boiled eggs and carrot batons (1 protein - too little, 2 veg)
D:  salmon, chips and salad; fruit yogurt (1 protein - may be a bit more depending on fish size, 2 carbs, 1 veg, 1 dairy)
Ss:  apples (2 fruit)
Yup - spot on as the possible extra protein for dinner will balance having less at lunch.  Sometimes that just cannot be helped.

From the freezer:
Nothing today.  Shame.

The frugal factor:
The salmon is the only expensive thing and may take the overall cost above £2.00, the rest is all moderate or low cost.

The sardine on toast think was nice.
I popped a can of sardines in sauce (Savers) into my mini-zizzer with a bit of mayo, some horseradish, a good shake of lemon juice, some salt and 10g finely grated low fat cheddar and I zizzed and zizzed it into a nearly smooth paste.  Spread on wholemeal toast, sprinkled with the other 10g of cheese (to make one dairy portion) and then browned under the grill, it was absolutely delicious and filling as well as being very good for me.  I didn't remember to take a photo until I'd eaten it all, unfortunately!
I didn't need all the sardine mixture so I've popped the rest in a little pot and it will go in the freezer in hopes that it freezes OK.

What are your frugal food plans for today?


  1. Congratulations Joy, you've done so well. Health issues are a great motivator for losing weight, aren't they? We didn't eat particularly healthily whilst away for 5 days, so have some ground to make up.

    1. Thanks, Sooze, it's been a great motivator, you're right. But if I were to go away, I'd have to be off plan for those days and I'd enjoy it too. :-)
      J x

    2. Afternoon Sooze

      Hope you enjoyed your few days away. We've just come back from visiting relatives and seem to have brought a couple of extra pounds each back with us. :-( We'll get right back on our eating regime and within a week we'll be back to what we were before we went away. I'm sure it'll be the same for you and hubby.

      Enjoy the rest of the day.


  2. Well done on your successful weight loss and BMI reduction, you must be delighted.

    I've made some lovely spiced vegetable soup for today, my chap will be making some bread for with that. We're also going to have a cooked brunch as a treat. Have a nice weekend.

    1. I'm really pleased, thanks. Still a way to go bit I'm on the right road.
      Your soup and bread sounds absolutely wonderful!
      J x

  3. Afternoon Joy

    Well done on the weight loss again, and the drop of BMI. I really must try sardines (I just don't like the idea of chucking it if I don't like it), I like tinned maceral in olive oil (good for my bones). I love salmon too (some days you have to go over budget).

    I buy the chips from A*di (the green bag). They are lovely. When you make your own chips, are the potatoes par-boiled and then sprayed with 1cal? The sweet potato fries are lower in calories, but you can't have them too often.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.


    1. Hi, Carol. Yes, that's how I do my chips and they're really nice. I had bought oven chips yesterday evening and they were OK but not as nice as my home made, I thought. When I make the sweet potato fries, I use a chip seasoning that makes them look crunchy but, of course, they aren't really.
      Sardines aren't all that expensive so maybe it's worth giving them as go, just to see?
      J x
