Tuesday 27 March 2018

Tuesday, 27-03-18

Good morning!

Today's plans:
B:  muesli and natural yogurt
L:  chicken salad
D:  cheese on toast (I will have low fat cheddar and only 20g of it, that being a portion!); carrot batons; fruit yogurt
Ss:  apples

From the freezer:
Some chicken for the chicken salad - I will reserve the stock and add it to tomorrow's dinner
Not the bread this time as I'm in the middle of making a couple of wholemeal loaves as I'm right out and I want/need to have wholemeal at the moment rather than white.

The frugal factor:
The muesli is a gift and the yogurt is home made
The chicken is from a special offer last week in Tesco.
The bread is home made so not only cheap, also very tasty!


  1. Replies
    1. < grin > Thanks. I feel I'm in a bit of a rut in a way but while my choices are so limited, I will just have to live with it!
      J x
