Monday 24 June 2024

Recipe: lentil omelette breakfast wrap

Lentil omelette breakfast wrap.

Ingredients to make one:
one lentil wrap ( recipe here )
one egg, beaten, plus seasonings of choice

35g frozen avocado chunks, thawed, mashed
seasonings (I use Just Spices avocado topping mix)
small fresh tomato roughly chopped
lime juice

mushrooms and tomatoes, halved and/or sliced.

Heat a non stick pan the same size as the wrap.  Shoot in the beaten egg and spread it round - it will be thin.
As it sets (very quickly), place the lentil wrap in top and press it down.  Them carefully, turn the whole thing over so the lentil wrap warms and the egg cooks.
Place on a plate in a warm oven so it doesn't go cold.

Respray the pan and add the mushrooms.  When they are nearly cooked, add the tomatoes.

Mix together the guacamole ingredients.

When the tomatoes and mushrooms are ready, spread the guacamole onto the omelette wrap, lentil wrap side up.  Then pile on the mushrooms and tomatoes.
Enjoy straight away while it is still hot.

Tasty and filling too.

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