Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday evening, 08-06-24

Good evening, everyone.  
Thanks for bearing with me as I went off piste for a short break.  Back now and raring to stick to plan . . .

What I have eaten today:

Scrambled eggs on toast with tomatoes on the side.
Half a healthy extra A for cheese spread on the toast and half a healthy extra B for the toast itself.
At lunch time I was in town having a mom/daughter session looking at bedroom furniture for her.  After a most enjoyable session in the Jo Malone area of John Lewis, we went up to the cafe and I enjoyed an apple I had brought from home with a coffee while Beth had a cheese scone and crisps.
The photo is evidence and I am polishing my halo.
When I got home, I baked some salmon in Nellie and had it on a salad.
Then I had some strawberries.

Half a healthy extra B for seeds and one syn for salad cream.

For dinner I used a tomato and veg mix I had in the freezer, added some bacon and pasta and topped it all with some feta.  Very nice too.

One and a half healthy extra As.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
one syn

Tomorrow's meal plans

B:  fruit and yogurt

L:  roast chicken dinner; fruit

D:  chicken sandwich (or maybe a toastie) and salad; fruit

Exercise:  rest day

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