Wednesday 15 December 2021

Wednesday, 15-2-21: Festive challenge day 15

Good morning!
It is becoming increasing difficult to stay on plan as Christmas draws near and I fear I am losing this particular battle and will continue losing it until after Christmas when I will have to get 'back to basics' as SW says, and be Very Very Organised.
I won't stop blogging though - just be prepared for things that might not be totally SW - like the biscotti I made yesterday and had to taste test - several times - just in case.  You know . . .

Yesterday's meals:

A bowl of very dull looking porridge but the Festive spice and the Christmas cookie skinny syrup I added meant that it tasted fab.  And kept me full all morning.
The tomato and roasted red pepper soup was, as always, delicious.  I do love this soup and it has all the colour you could ask for in a soup.  The wee Christmas tree croutons provided the perfect crunch.
There was nothing particularly Christmassy about this but it was jolly good.  Unfortunately, I might have had a bit of b*tt*r on the jacket potato, hidden under the cheese - as you do!

And then - the biscotti taste testing.  Could I call it a side effect of the booster, do you think?

No?  Oh, well.

Today's plans:

B:  Joanne's roulade
I will give it a citrus vibe this time, as I have some lemon flavoured kvarg and some orange segments for the filling.  
SW:  half a syn for the kvarg

L:  bacon, cheese and cranberry toastie, salad; fruit
I have no more cooked cold meat in the freezer and don't intend getting any more this side of Christmas, so bacon it is!
SW:  two healthy extra As and one B plus one and a half syns for the cranberry sauce

D:  chicken casserole, rice, veg; yogurt
A fairly bog standard throw-it-all-in kind of slow cooker thing.  Onion, carrot, bacon, chicken, pepper, canned tomatoes and various seasonings, all left to do their own thing on low.  Mum used to make it a lot and it was very tasty.
SW:  this should be all speed/free/protein unless I throw in some crumbled chestnuts (one syn each)

E:  personal training with Lindsey

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
between two and five syns

From the freezer:


  1. It is indeed difficult, Joy - I've managed to resist the urge so far and stay on my low-carb menu for this week. It's becoming more difficult though when husband keeps asking when he can start on the mince pies, sausage rolls, spiced apple Danish pastries, cheesy biscuits that have been made and frozen (thank goodness they're frozen, and in the big freezer out of sight in the utility room!). I guess the only thing to do is to try and have an 'on plan' meal regularly to make up for the off plan ones. Nobody expects anybody to be a saint at Christmas. xx

    1. How true. You sounds really prepared though - that's great!
