Saturday 6 January 2024

Saturday, 06-01-24

Good morning, everyone.

It feels good getting back to normal.  I weighed yesterday morning on my own scales and it was a bit ouch but could have been a lot worse. Now I have three weeks to get back as close to my target range as I can before I have committed to get back to weighing at group.

We all got new books at Slimming World (if we wanted/needed them) yesterday.  I was well pleased as I'd just come to the end of my weigh-in spaces in my old book.  Some good timing there, for sure.

Changing the subject, at the cruise breakfasts they had various breads for toasting, one of which was an absolutely delicious dark, solid yet soft sort of Scandinavian rye bread.  It was so, so delicious.  I've found a recipe that I am in the middle of trying, one where you leave the dough overnight.  I also need some more of my mixed wholemeal bread too so I have both on the make and am hoping I can bake them at the same time, fingers crossed.
I know my wholemeal works a treat, I'm just not sure about the other.  If it doesn't, I will keep on searching because it was so, so delicious.
(now I am wondering if M&S might have some - they have all sorts of different breads)

Yesterday's meal photos:

Apple, pear, easy peeler and grapes with yogurt and some mixed seeds.  Delicious!
Good start!
This was a fairly simple salad topped with feta, olives, croutons, mixed seeds and some Caesar salad dressing.

Later on, I nibbled on some carrot and cucumber while I was making the salad for dinner.

Still going OK
I got the steak from Morrisons and it was lovely.  It looks like loads of chips but it wasn't, it was quite a small potato but thin cut which makes them look a awful lot more than they really are.

I had an orange for afters and some Shloer zero to drink as a feeble substitute for the glasses of wine that have had to stop now!

And that was that.  A good first day back on plan.

Today's meal plans:

B:  fruit, mixed seeds and yogurt
I'll have a rootle in the freezer for some frozen blackberries to add to what I have.
SW:  one syn for a level tsp mixed seeds (more than enough - they go a long way)

L:  smoked salmon pillow, melba or rye toast, salad; fruit
This was something I picked up on the cruise.  It is basically a smoked salmon mousse wrapped in more smoked salmon.  I won't make a mousse, I will make my smoked salmon pate with some philly light, a bit of mayo and some lemon juice.
SW:  three syns for 40g Philly light, one healthy extra B for the toast and half a syn for some light honey mustard dressing

D: chicken and bacon pasta carbonara, assorted veg; fruit
I need to have some healthy extra A so carbonara came to mind.  I love a SW friendly carbonara.  I may add some mixed seeds - they are so tasty and they add some healthy oils which SW can be a bit short on if you're not careful.
SW:  one healthy extra A for some hard Italian cheese, one syn for some mixed seeds and that, I think, is all.

Exercise:  Lindsey's classes start on Monday and I can't wait.  I need to go into the Snippets group on Facebook and see what she has already posted - I think she has a squat challenge but I'm very out of touch.
Anyway, I will try to do something today and I did manage around 7000 steps yesterday, despite not doing anything much.

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
five and a half syns

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