Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wednesday evening, 03-07-24

Evening, everyone!
No photos from today because I was out all day.  I did divert somewhat from my plans but that's OK.  Back on it straight away.  

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  cooked breakfast - bacon, egg, mushrooms and tomatoes

L:  lentil 'pancake' with cheese and beans;  side salad
. . . because I have baked beans to use up and they were so good the other day.  I'll treat them like pancakes this time rather than wraps and they should look a lot better.

D:  chilli con carne, no rice, serve in wrap basket, salad; fruit

Exercise:  personal training first thing, changed from yesterday, and then I'm staying at the studio for SET.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Tuesday evening, 02-07-24

Evening, everyone!

What I ate today:

It was all change today.  I decided I didn't want to inflict beans-on-toast- breath on my nice dentist so I had fruit instead, an apple before Groove and a banana afterwards.

So, for lunch, I made the lentil wraps which turned out rather fragile and 'messy'.  I heated up beans and added brown sauce and grated cheese.  The resulting - er - dish looks a right old dog's dinner but, oh, my word, it tasted amazing.  Definitely another do it again.  I wonder if adding an egg to the lentil batter would make it a bit sturdier.  Might try that next time.
The salad was all left over from yesterday.
One syn for salad cream in the coleslaw and one healthy extra A.

In the afternoon, I made a SW friendly Scotch egg for a packed lunch tomorrow.  There was some pork and sausage mix left so I changed plans and made some little meatballs and knocked together a sort of pasta bake thingy using leftover chopped tomato, leftover sweet corn, mushrooms, yellow pepper and baby plum tomatoes with some mozzarella on top.  It was dead easy and really nice.
I had some watermelon afterwards.
One healthy extra A

two healthy extra As
no healthy extra Bs
one syn

My meal plans for tomorrow:  I'm on another day trip so, earlier, I made a SW friendly Scotch egg using pork mince and a veggie sausage with some seasonings, plus the boiled egg.  

B:  fruit

L:  Scotch egg, salad; fruit
I will probably buy a few bits and pieces too add to this - I'll see how it goes.

D:  toastie, salad; fruit
Because it is quick and easy.

Exercise:  lots of walking

Monday 1 July 2024

Monday evening, 01-07-24

Evening, everyone!

What I ate today:

Breakfast in the garden.  The quiche slice was just as nice as it was last night (I warmed it up) and, as I enjoyed the tomatoes I looked at the plants and thought 'not long . . .'.
Half a healthy extra A.

The end of the leek, etc, quiche with coleslaw and a choppy mixed salad and, again, it was really tasty.
I had some watermelon for dessert.

Half a healthy A for cheese and one syn for salad cream in the coleslaw.

Oh, my.  This chicken arrabbiata was really nice, even though I changed quite a lot of the veg because I wanted to use up some bits and bobs.  So it had spices, chicken, green beans, pepper, sweet corn, pak choy, tomatoes, chopped tomatoes and penne pasta.  
It was quite hot so I had some yogurt to cool it down a bit.
Very delicious and very filling - absolutely no room for anything else.
Syn free

one healthy extra AQ
half a healthy extra B
one syn

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:   beans on toast, mushrooms, tomatoes

L:  lentil wrap pizza, salad; fruit

D:  roasted veggie bolognaise, side salad; fruit

Exercise:  groove class and the walk there and back.