Monday 29 July 2024

Monday evening, 29-07-24

Good evening, everyone!

What I ate today

I chose to have my breakfast fruit salad style so cut up a nectarine, a kiwi, some watermelon and strawberries and added to that some blackberries.  Very nice it was too, with a little sprinkle of sweetener.  Refreshing!
And syn free.
Stuffed pepper with a salad.  
I didn't pre-.cook the pepper and it was fine.  It was a 'fresher' taste and texture.  Underneath the cheese, stuffed into the middle of the mince, was a cheese triangle (in each half) and that worked really.  Something to remember.
I tried that lemon vinegar I am making on the salad.  A bit soon, maybe, but it was very, very tasty.  Zingy and fresh.
It was very filling, surprisingly.  I ate all the salad but could only manage one half of the pepper so I will abandon the meal I was planning to have (which I hadn't started, fortunately) and have another stuffed pepper and salad.  Maybe a different kind of salad.  The last SWK meal can wait.

One and a half healthy extra As in total including this evening.

I made coleslaw to go with the tomatoes and beetroot and the other half stuffed pepper.   Really very tasty indeed, all of it.
Dessert was an orange.
One syn for some salad cream.

one and a half healthy extra As
no healthy extra Bs
one syn

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit

L: banana and peanut butter pancakes, fruit and yogurt

D:  creamy chicken and bacon casserole, veg; fruit
A chuck it all in thing and the 'creamy' will be yogurt.

Exercise:   Groove class and the walk there and back


  1. Banana and peanut butter pancake sounds very moreish

    1. Mmm - they do, don't they? Looking forward to lunch time. xx
