Monday 1 July 2024

Monday evening, 01-07-24

Evening, everyone!

What I ate today:

Breakfast in the garden.  The quiche slice was just as nice as it was last night (I warmed it up) and, as I enjoyed the tomatoes I looked at the plants and thought 'not long . . .'.
Half a healthy extra A.

The end of the leek, etc, quiche with coleslaw and a choppy mixed salad and, again, it was really tasty.
I had some watermelon for dessert.

Half a healthy A for cheese and one syn for salad cream in the coleslaw.

Oh, my.  This chicken arrabbiata was really nice, even though I changed quite a lot of the veg because I wanted to use up some bits and bobs.  So it had spices, chicken, green beans, pepper, sweet corn, pak choy, tomatoes, chopped tomatoes and penne pasta.  
It was quite hot so I had some yogurt to cool it down a bit.
Very delicious and very filling - absolutely no room for anything else.
Syn free

one healthy extra AQ
half a healthy extra B
one syn

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:   beans on toast, mushrooms, tomatoes

L:  lentil wrap pizza, salad; fruit

D:  roasted veggie bolognaise, side salad; fruit

Exercise:  groove class and the walk there and back.


  1. Do you know, Joy, I really like beans on toast, especially with a poached egg on top, or even a sprinkle of grated cheese. In fact I think we'll have it for lunch tomorrow! xx

    1. I'm not sure I have ever had poached egg on top but I think I need to change my plans somewhat. I'd forgotten about the dentist so I'll have just fruit before hand and, maybe, make the lentil wrap and have it filled with baked beans and some cheese - yes, that sounds quite tasty in it's own way, especially if I spice up the beans.
      I'm sure we will both enjoy our lunches. :-)
