Thursday 18 July 2024

Thursday evening, 18-07-24

Good evening, everyone!
It was all a bit different today as I was out all day on a trip into London.  I really did want to stick to some sort of plan because it's weigh day tomorrow and I strongly suspect that I won't have gone down, not after a couple of days out, and can only hope to be close to maintaining.
I did stick to plan (with a dinner time swap) and I truly don't regret not having an ice-cream.
What I ate today

I remembered to take a photo of what I took with me.
Breakfast was the fruit in the middle and the apple, eaten in the coach on the way to Buckingham Palace and the rest, the cheese spread sandwich, tomatoes, orange and apple, I ate 

One healthy extra B and half a healthy extra A

I did have a dinner in the fridge, ready to heat up, but I was hot and tired and just didn't fancy that so I put myself together a picky plate.
It had smoked salmon (free), cheese (the rest of my healthy As) cucumber and tomatoes, pineapple and strawberries.  It was so good - tasty and refreshing.  And I have stayed within my limits today - so glad about that.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
no syns in the planned food but I had a toffee on the way there (I'm calling it three syns) and a bag of crisps (five and a half syns) on the way home (both these handed out by the organisers) plus some chewing gum (no idea but it was the sugar free kind and I didn't have much).  Does anyone else find that they 'need' something to chew on a coach trip?
So - let's call it ten syns.  A bit more than usual but then I've had a day out and plenty of fruit and veg.
My meal plans for tomorrow:  It's Friday and Friday is 'eat the syns' day so I'm allowing up to fifteen syns - if I want them!  I might not.

B:  fruit

L:  pancakes, fruit and yogurt
I'll be synning the pancakes.

D:  chicken burger, salad and chips

Exercise:   rest day

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