Monday 15 July 2024

Monday evening, 15-07-24 and a lentil pancake/wrap update

Good evening, everyone!

First of all, an update to the lentil wrap recipe.
The last time I made them, only one turned out half decent, the others were very fragile and broke or wrinkled up while turning them.
I decided to add an egg to the batter to see if that would make a difference and it did.  

So the updated recipe is:
a third of a cup of red lentils
two thirds of a cup of water
stock/seasoning, etc (I use chicken stock powder and some black pepper)
one medium egg.

The method remains much the same.  Soak the lentils in the water for about four hours (or used just boiled water which cuts the soaking time down).  Add the seasonings and one egg and blend it all together.
The result is a more robust batter that cooks into wraps really well.  I got six small-ish wraps/pancakes from this mixture.

Updated recipe:

What I ate today

The smoothie was really nice and, contrary to what SW says, very filling.
I used one banana, two nectarines and a few strawberries plus some Greek yogurt, some skinny syrup and 20g oats plus a bit of water to slacken, blended together and left in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Half a healthy extra B.
Lunch was one slice of eggy bread and I made a thin omelette from what was left of the egg.  I just spray fried mushrooms and tomatoes to place on top and it was delicious.

The other half of a healthy extra B.

Later on, I had some fruit - watermelon, cherries and a few blueberries from the garden.

Finally - the second portion of chicken biryani.  Not that I would call it a biryani but it was awfully nice, whatever one might call it.  I added some baby corn and some mushrooms for extra speed and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I had an orange for dessert.

Syn free.

no healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
syn free (although you might think I should syn the fruit in the smoothie)

My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit platter

L:  cheesy bean and lentil wrap bake, side salad
I froze the lentil wraps earlier but they will thaw quickly.

D:  veg packed special chow mein
The third of the four SWK meals from the current box.

Exercise:   Groove plus the walk there and back.


  1. I would never have thought of making wraps using lentils, how inventive. Your eggy bread lunch looks delish. xx

    1. It was nice, Sooze. I will have it again, for sure. xx
