Friday, 18 February 2022

Friday, 18-02-22

Good morning!
Weigh day today.  That is, if SW happens.  At the moment the wind is just a bit gusty but by seven it is supposed to be horrendous - 60 or 70 mph, which is pretty extreme for round here.  Jen has said she will get there if she can but, if the wind does pick up as expected, I will be urging her to stay safe at home.   She can perhaps organise a Zoom meeting, if necessary.

Yesterday's meals:

Baked beans two ways! (see below for t'other)
As with a lot of my meals, this was loads nicer than it looks.   I added leftover chilli to the baked beans and enjoyed the lot on toast.  To be honest, I could have got two portions out of it but wanted to use them up.
I must make these baked beans again.
 Afters was three little easy peelers.

Another one that doesn't look 'Instagrammable' in the least but which tasted great.
I cooked broccoli and cauliflower (I bought some in the end) but decided I didn't need any more veg on the side
In a pan, I spray fried onion and some cubed chicken until both were cooked through.  Then I added some boiling water.  I meant to also add chicken stock powder but I forgot and, actually, it wasn't necessary anyway.  I melted in two cheese triangles and some grated cheddar and then just a bit of cornflour to thicken (I added a bit too much). I put the veg in an ovenproof dish, spooned the chicken and sauce over, added some grated cheddar and just popped it all under the grill for about five minutes.  Then I had a Mullerlight for dessert.
Dead easy and very tasty.
Today's plans:

B:  roulade and fruit or yogurt and fruit
A favourite breakfast to have once the SW meeting is over.  If the power has gone, I enjoy fruit and yogurt too so win-win
SW:  if I use a flavoured yogurt or kvarg, that's half a syn

L:  I'm not really sure, it depends on if we have power or not.  I have some sushi and some cooked chicken in the fridge so I think I'm planning a salad.  Then fruit (which I always fancy!)
If we have power, I might do a jacket potato.
SW:  the sushi is one and a half syns, the chicken is syn free and mayo/coleslaw would be one syn.

D:  burger with the trimmings, chips, salad; yogurt
I very often have a treat meal on Fridays, trying to stay on plan but not fretting too much if I wander a bit outside.
I sit and think 'what do I REALLY fancy' - there's not a lot one can't adapt with a bit of imagination - and today it was a really nice, home made burger in a roll.  At the moment, I intend to use half beef mince and half pork mince, both from the freezer, which will make two good sized ones so that's tomorrow's lunch sorted out, with some cheddar, some bacon, some sliced tomato, gherkins and shredded lettuce and some burger sauce.  Plus a few chips and a side salad.  
It will be a wholemeal roll - I'm not going too far out and anyway, I prefer wholemeal to white.
SW:  the burger sauce will be four syns but half of that will do for tomorrow so two syns this evening, the roll is a healthy extra B, the cheese will be a healthy extra A, maybe more.  One syn for some breadcrumbs from the freezer as they really do improve the texture of the finished burger.  Dessert is half a syn

E:  Lindsey's homework, kettle exercises

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
six and a half syns - not bad for a treat meal!

From the freezer: 

beef and pork minces
wholemeal roll
(that will be the last of the hm frozen chips and I am definitely making some more - it was so very useful to be able to count out eight or nine chips and loads better value than buying a bag of what are certainly not Maris Piper potatoes)

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