Tuesday 2 April 2019

Tuesday, 02-04-19 and steakadillas

Good morning.

Well, the 'steakadillas' were absolutely delicious, really yum and this is what I did.

I sizzled some onion, red pepper and mushrool, all thinly sliced, in some spray oil until they were soft.  Then I added some garlic puree and some cajun seasoning and let it gently sizzle a bit more, stirring it well.
In the meanwhile, I opened a tin of M&S chunky steak (free on SW and actually very tasty indeed) and warmed it up so the gravy was more liquid before straining off half of the steak which I put in a bowl and mashed up a bit with a fork (the rest and the gravy will be for tomorrow).
On a WW wrap (healthy extra B) I covered half with 30g grated cheddar, then spread over the steak, then the spicy vegetables and then another 30g finely grated cheese (the cheese was both my healthy extra As) before folding the other half of the wrap over for a top.  I sprayed oil on the top, then turned it over and sprayed the other side, using a pastry brush to completely cover.
I then popped it in a heated frying pan until one side was browned before turning it over to brown the other side before removing it from the pan and cutting it into two 'quarters'.  Using a griddle pan would have given me those lovely 'char' lines, but I don't have one so I couldn't.
No photo - I forgot - but it was really lovely and very filling, eaten in my fingers like a toastie (which is what it is really).  I just had that, no extra veg, and it was plenty, filling me up all evening.

Now I'm home, I'm doing what I've wanted to do for a week or so and have planned some meals from the Pinch of Nom book.  I will give page numbers but won't be writing out the recipes.  If you like the sound of them, I'd encourage you to buy the book.  It is well worth it.

Today's menu is . . .
B:  apple and cinnamon pancakes (page 22)
SW:  this will be half of a healthy extra A and my B - well, actually, it is less than half an A but I'll call it that for convenience's sake.

L:  bacon, potato and spring onion frittata (page 26) with a salad
SW:  one healthy extra A for the cheese and if I have mayo, I will syn it.

D:  steak pasty, veg
I have to use up the rest of the steak left from yesterday so I'm synning a wrap.  The veg will be sprouts and another speed veg, maybe some roasted tomatoes.  The steak comes in a rather tasty gravy which is useful and I may freeze most of it for when a beefy gravy is called for.  It's not particularly frugal but it is lean and tender (and SW free) and great for when one just wants something meaty and easy.
SW:  six syns for the wrap

Ss:  trying for none - snacking has become a Very Bad Habit Indeed!


  1. Oh yum. That sounds really tasty

    1. The steakadillas? Yes, they really were delicious, very slurpy and satisfying. Definitely on my list of Things to Make Again!

  2. Can I come round? Every meal sounds delicious, especially the steakadillas.

    1. I weould LOVE you to come round - name the day! :-)

    2. weould???? I meant would, of course!

  3. I never buy ready food like the m & s steak but I could really be tempted by that. Don't think my SW group have mentioned it, better not tell them or the shelves will run dry, funny how that happens. Were you SW ing when the Porky Lights thing was happening? I still buy them as I was losing weight while eating them.

    1. No, I don't think I was but I can just imagine. Were they 'free'?

    2. They were and they're lovely like a full fat version in taste and texture. Then the SW boffins worked out that they were to be synned I can't remember how many. Shelves used to be cleared before that, they were written about in the papers and members would be texting and messaging where there was stock available. After the syns came along everyone stopped buying them, I didn't I just stunned them as I liked them. Big news stories in national press and arguments between SW and the company. A debacle. I don't think it was ever resolved between the two factions and SW don't even have them listed at the moment at least I can't find them unless I just Google. I don't know if it's in a legal wrangle or not now but it's the stuff of a sitcom! I still have them occasionally but it was all a bit like when Mullerlights became synnned you'd think the end of the world had come. Hope you're getting back on track.

    3. I don't remember any of that but I can just imagine! It could be legal, couldn't it?
      Yes, thanks, I am back on track now, thankfully.

  4. I think the book will be appearing on my birthday list!
