Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Tuesday, 18-02-20

Good morning

It's half term this week so no pottery on Thursday evening and I would normally go to the Thursday evening group, that being my original group and I haven't seen my old mates there since before Christmas, I think, or maybe just after.  However, being on the social team, I don't want to let Jennifer down for today so we had a chat and I am going this morning to help out only and then on Thursday evening to be weighed and stay, catching up with friends.  That's a good compromise and means I don't let anyone down.

Regarding yesterday's food, I subbed the rest of the smoked salmon dip for the soup so have that for today while the second portion will go in the freezer for another time.
No photos, but dinner turned out to be surprisingly tasty.  Rather than smoked cod (too far down the freezer to dig out quickly) I used up a couple of bits of haddock.  Haddock doesn't half shrink when you oven bake it, hence me cooking  two bits.  I boiled the parsnips and then blended it with 45g gruyere to make a really tasty, cheesy 'creamed' veg and I lay the fish on top with sprouts on the side.  It looked bland but was far from it.  Such a simple meal but I will do it again!

As a couple of people have mentioned, the restricted eating is suiting me very well and, if breakfast isn't until eleven, I'm often not really ready to have any lunch at two.  Some say they end up consolidating breakfast and lunch and ending up with two more substantial meals instead of three with a light snack around four or five.  Well, we will see - it's always an option, isn't it?

Today's still mushy meals will be:
B:  scrambled egg and smoked salmon; mini yogurt drink
SW:  two syns for the yogurt drink

L:  ham and mushy pea soup, wholemeal roll for dunking; yogurt
Looking forward to it very much.
SW:  half a heA for milk to dilute/slacken the soup and one heB for the roll

D: chicken and veg stirfry in plum sauce with pasta; fruit or yogurt
It's time I sampled that plum sauce and, as things are healing up nicely inside my mouth, I reckon some chicken wouldn't go amiss.  It's not hard enough to cause any damage, but firmer than fish.  I will stir fry some chicken and veg, add the plum sauce which is sweet and savoury and punchy, and have it with pasta or maybe noodles, if I can find any in the cupboard.
SW:  all the food is free/speed, the plum sauce is negligible and I might spend three syns on some oil, seeing as I'm not synning much today at all

S:  yogurt, maybe, or banana

BM:  I'm hoping to go into town after group and will we walking around, probably quite briskly, as it's none too warm at the moment.

half a heA and one B
five syns
breakfast sounds lavish but really one uses very little smoked salmon in scrambled egg so it's cheaper than it sounds and I will use chicken thighs for the stirfry
the eating window will be between ten thirty-ish and seven - 8.5/15.5

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