Monday, 1 June 2020

Monday, 01-06-20

Good morning.  It's June already and

First of all, a pre-breakfast coffee in the sun.  Lovely!  I didn't want to go in.

A very simple, straightforward breakfast.

Nice yesterday and even nicer today.

Simple and really tasty.
Today's plans:
B:  mushroom omelette and some spray roasted tomatoes
SW:  free

L:  bacon burger and salad; piece of fruit
This is rapidly becoming a favourite lunch and it's a great way to get your heB.  Salad is just salad - nice, fresh and crunchy.  The burger is an M&S skinny burger so syn free
SW:  one heB, one syn for some onion chutney and up to two syns of some super light mayo.

D:  salmon, Jersey royals, runner beans; yogurt
I made a point of getting some salmon from Aldi.  I KNOW I have some, somewhere in the freezer but can I find it?  No!  I might have some mayo with the salmon.
SW:  half a syn for the yogurt (which I might turn into an iced dessert) and one for two level tbsp of the mayo

S:  none

Body Magic:  thirty minutes of personal training and then some allotment work.

one heB
four and a half syns max.

I'm not fussed about missing heAs as I take calcium with my vitamin D as it helps with absorption of the latter.  Not that I'm short on vitamin D right now as I'm getting plenty of sunlight with all the garden and allotment work, but it's a habit.


  1. I just have a small freezer on top of my fridge but I have the same problem of knowing something is in there but not finding it. Last week it was salmon but I found some basa fillets instead.

    1. < grin > I guess we're not on our own in this either!
