Saturday 7 May 2022

Saturday, 07-05-22

Good morning.
Oh, dear, just a maintain this week.  All a bit discouraging after a week on it but there you go.  I was SO tempted to dive headfirst into a multi pack of crisps but managed to win that battle, thank goodness, despite having to go to Morrisons for stuff for the evening.

Supper with Dave and Anna was lovely.  The food was pretty much on plan but the wine definitely wasn't.  However, this is me back on the soft drinks wagon again for - oh, around three weeks, until I have a short break at the new Potters Five Lakes spa where drinks are all included.

It's straight back on plan this morning and, hopefully, next Friday will show a bit of a loss.

This week's focus points are . . .
continue with the diary
low syns and high speed
two SP days and one meat free day
Yesterday's meals:
Breakfast was an apple, a pear and two plums.  All very nice and surprisingly filling.  I didn't need a yogurt and didn't take a photo either.

This is the only photo I have of yesterday - just a simple ham salad with some home made sort of onion pickle/chutney (it's neither, really) and the remains of the grain mustard dressing I make.
It was delicious.

And then dinner was the SW cajun chicken pasta bake and it was fab.  I could have added more cajun spice and next time I will.  Dave and Anna obviously enjoyed it too.
I changed it a bit.  Nice chopped tomatoes instead of passata and some white wine I had frozen in the past - not much but it did make a positive addition to the flavour.
The recipe make loads, as SW recipes usually do) and I have three (smallish but big enough for me) portions left, one of which I syphoned off yesterday before I added the cheese and two with a bit of the cheese.  Those two are now in the freezer and will make very nice lunches.

I posted a link yesterday but here it is again, if you're interested.  
Today's plans:
I'm not sticking to Intermittent Fasting today.  I need an earlier breakfast . . .

B:  fruit and yogurt
I'm feeling pretty fragile after last night so keeping it simple is the name of the game.  
SW:  speed, free and half a syn (for a Mullerlight)

L:  leftover pasta bake, tomatoes; fruit
I have the bigger leftover portion for lunch today and I think I will turn it 'creamy' by adding some philly lightest.  It's not a healthy extra so I will syn it but I think I will consider it a healthy A (almost) in my mind.  Swings and roundabouts.
SW  50g Philly lightest is two syns although I doubt I will need as much as that.  The pasta dish itself is one syn (for the added white wine).

D:  chicken jalfrezi, rice or green lentils (or both?), stir fried veg; yogurt
This is another SW recipe, from the site.  I want to try a number of their curry recipes so that when I have friends round, I can serve a selection without breaking the SW bank.
I might spice up some canned lentils and call it a dhal!
It looks as if the recipe is out there so here's the link.
SW:  Looking through the ingredients, it seems to be free - so speed, free and protein plus half a syn for the yogurt.  The lentils are protein.

Exercise: I am doing a leaflet drop today so - a walk!  Further than it seems because of all the up and down drives, etc.

no healthy extras - oh, well . . .
three syns

From the freezer:
chicken for the curry
maybe some veg
and I'm saving one portion of leftover pasta bake from the freezer by using it today.

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