Thursday, 27 August 2020

Thursday, 27-08-20

Good morning.
Well, I've stuck to my resolution all week, seven long days, to not step on those scales.  It was harder than I expected but it's weigh day and SW meeting and I have absolutely no idea whatsoever whether I have lost, gained or maintained.
I will know by five thirty!

Yesterday's photos:

A very simple breakfast of bacon and tomatoes.

A delicious and filling lunch - cheesy tuna toasties with some salad veg.

A dinner of meatballs in a creamy tomato sauce with courgetti.  This was so, so good, even nicer than I expected it would be and jam packed full of speed veg - tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, onion and courgette.

Today's meal plans:

B:  yogurt and fruit
The fruit will probably be apple, orange and a plum.  It makes a change from tomatoes at every meal!!
SW:  half a syn for the yogurt unless I have plain yogurt with some skinny syrup or similar.
around 220 calories

L:  spicy bean and veg soup; apple
Another portion from the freezer and the apples are all from the allotment now so greatly chopped about.  It's worth it though - they are delicious.
SW:  one syn for the soup
around 200 calories

D:  cheese and bacon burger, salad, SW style chips; kvarg
OK, so maybe rather OTT and I probably will cut this down when it comes to it but maybe now - I'll see how I feel.
At some point I rather fancy making these:
but in the actifry using a minimum of oil, not deep fried.  I can give it a go anyway.
SW:  one healthy extra A and one B, two syns for some mayo for salad and chips
745 calories - quite a lot but it works in OK

Body Magic:  I have a swim booked today

one healthy extra A and one B
around six syns
1165 calories


  1. Hello Joy. I have never managed to go without stepping on those scales, well done. My consultant always says you get better losses when you only do it once at group each week. I can see how it would make one be more careful, ie if my scales show a weight the I think is ok considering what I've eaten then I think phew got away with it. If i don't know how I've done I theoretically should continue food optimising correctly. I can't wait, well I can but, to see how you get on today. x

    1. I hope your consultant is right. I'm nervous! :-)

  2. Well done, you obviously have willpower because of your weight loss. Good luck this evening.

    1. I do seem to although where it has come from is anybody's guess. :-)

  3. I am obsessed with a daily weighing. I don't think I could cope with a weekly weigh in.

    1. I totally understand that - I think that if I hadn't been on target, I couldn't either. One of my less specific targets is to 'ease on down' and I guess it's part of that really.

  4. Like Cherie above, I find a weekly weigh in near impossible. I spend in-wig he'd days worrying about what might/might not be happening! But daily weighing is depressing since not losing weight after an on-plan day is disappointing, even though I know that a daily Wright loss is unrealistic!

    1. Our bodies just don't work like that, do they? They respond very quickly to what, when and how we eat more than the actual amount, I think, and what it holds on to from day to day has great impact. I know I can be three pound heavier if I'm a bit 'bunged up', for example.
      We all know a reasonable interval between checks is much more realistic but . . .
