Saturday 1 April 2023

Saturday, 01-04-23

Morning, everyone.

I've removed the bit about low/no spending now - it's been there for long enough.  That doesn't mean I'm going to start splashing out on caviare, eat out at five star places (chance would be a fine thing) and so on; I'm not, I am continuing to use up what I have, cook from scratch and generally respect the food I can have within my budget and within SW guidelines (usually).

I'm not sure what new focus I can work on.  Maybe it is just continuing to enjoy the journey so that when I hit target again, I am very happy with what I eat and won't want to change it much.

At weigh in yesterday I was a little deflated to find that I maintained from the week before.  Not making any excuses but there's definitely a pattern to my losses and has been for a long time.  When I am on plan, I have three or four weeks of losses and then a surprising and undeserved maintain or, occasionally, a little gain.  I'm way too old now to be anywhere close to pre-menopausal ups and downs but the hormones, such as they are, still impact on a regular basis.

On the other hand, I was thrilled to find I was the Slimmer of the Month.  That was lovely.  So there's another certificate in my folder and a shiny sticker on the outside of the folder.  Happy!
Yesterday's photos:

I was so hoping to have a nicely presented breakfast photo until the second yolk broke, grrrr.
Never mind, the proof is in the eating and it was delicious!

I was cold and hungry when I got home from group so I decided to have two slices for a full healthy extra B.

You can't see much of the soup because of the cheese on top and I invested half a syn in half a syn's worth of mixed seeds.  It was lovely.

Later on, I had a pear and two small easy peelers.

This was delicious.  I do like Aldi's sirloin steaks, they are very tasty.  I slightly overcooked it but it was still delicious.

I was full after all that so no yogurt.

Today's plans:

B:  apple waffle, fruit and yogurt
I thought I would try this - I have some stewed apple in the freezer so I will use a portion instead of yogurt in my waffle mix - 20g SR wholemeal flour, one medium egg and some stewed apple.  I might also add a little bit of yogurt, I'll see what it looks like.  I will also add sweetener and some cinnamon.
It's worth a try, isn't it?  I'll let you know.
SW:  for once the flour will be synned because I want to use my B for lunch so three and a half syns for the flour.  I don't syn cooked fruit, only the sugar, if I add any.  The yogurt will be 0% yogurt

L:  cheese, onion and tomato toastie, coleslaw, salad; fruit
The onion will be hm onion chutney.
SW:  one and a half healthy extra As for cheese and one healthy extra B for bread plus one and a half syns for chutney and one syn for salad cream.

D:  chicken, leek and mushroom bake, other veg; yogurt
This month is the 25th birthday of the Slimming World magazine and they have brought out a booklet with four weeks of meal planning.
As with all these things, some recipes I already do, some do not appeal in the least and some I want to try.  This is one of them.
SW:  half a syn for the yogurt

Ex:  a Shimmy Snippets class online

one and a half healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
six and a half syns


  1. We eat simple meals like eggs or beans on toast for lunch quite often nowadays, simple pleasures, quick and easy - and the older I get, the more I like easy! I can see how the maintain would be a bit of a disappointment, it's good that you can identify a pattern though. We do still have hormones and they do still have an impact I think, even at our ages! xx

    1. It was Jen who noticed first, quite a while ago now. I said 'can't be, I'm too old' but it seems there is still some monthly hormonal stuff after 'the change', just maybe not so dramatic and, of course, not so self evident.
      SImple meals are the best, aren't they - those old, familiar, childhood memory meals.

  2. What, apart from fruit, do you have as snacks? I get the munchies mid afternoon, and speed fruit doesn’t do it for me, although a couple of bananas does.

    1. Hi!
      I think, if you don't mind, I'll do an answer in tomorrow's blog as it's a good question. Thanks for asking.

  3. My weight loss journey this time has been much more up and down. Last time, in 9 months I lost 4.5 stones, never had a gain, and maintained twice. This time it's taken me 4 months to lose 15 pounds, with 3 gains and a maintain. I've just looked at my book, and my gains have followed a similar pattern to yours! I lost 2.5 this morning, and now have just 2 pounds to go to target, which I've decided to stick with even though its half a stone higher than last time. Part of the reason for sticking is that I just don't want to pay any more, but also I'm 5'7" and always sat at the bottom end of target previously, dropping to 5.5 pounds below at one point. I was a size 8/ XS , which was possibly a bit too skinny, and I'll admit I was obsessed. I've been more relaxed about it this time, which is huge progress.

    1. Oh, well done, Scarlet! Progress can be really slow but I have been a lot 'happier' with it all since I decided to make the journey more important than the destination. I think that if you feel good about sticking with the target, then good for you. It's a personal thing and one thing among many about the Slimming World strategy is that you can, within certain parameters, set and change your own target as you see fit. I agree that size 8 at your height does sound a bit low but, again, you know best. Feeling relaxed about it all is a big key, isn't it?
